Hamburg 2001 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
SYOF 2: Surfaces and Interfaces
Dienstag, 27. März 2001, 11:10–13:35, S6
11:10 |
SYOF 2.1 |
Electronic Properties of π-Conjugated Organic Molecular Semiconductor Interfaces — •Antoine Kahn
11:50 |
SYOF 2.2 |
The electronic properties of highly ordered organic thin films: HBC on Au(111) by UPS and STS — •Holger Proehl, Michael Toerker, Torsten Fritz, Farid Sellam, Klaus Müllen, and Karl Leo
12:05 |
SYOF 2.3 |
Adsorptionsplatzbestimmung großer organischer Moleküle: EC4T auf Ag(111) — •L. Kilian, W. Weigand, E. Umbach, A. Langner, M. Sokolowski, H. Meyerheim, T. Lee und B. Cowie
12:20 |
SYOF 2.4 |
Self-assembly of PTCDA molecules on strained Ag(111) surfaces: molecular strings and tuning forks — •F.S. Tautz, M. Eremtchenko, and J.A. Schaefer
12:35 |
SYOF 2.5 |
On the geometric and electronic structure of planar aromatic molecules on metal surfaces: X-ray standing wave results — •F. Schreiber, S. Sellner, A. Dürr, K. Ritley, H. Dosch, B. C. C. Cowie, and J. Zegenhagen
12:50 |
SYOF 2.6 |
Characterization of thin PTCDA-layers on Ag(111) using polarization dependent Raman spectroscopy — •C. Bauer, M. Schneider, E. Umbach, T. Muck, V. Wagner und J. Geurts
13:05 |
SYOF 2.7 |
Order on disorder: Comparison of copper phthalocyanine thin films on technical substrates and on single crystals — •Heiko Peisert, Torsten Schwieger, Jutta M. Auerhammer, Martin Knupfer, Mark S. Golden, and Jörg Fink
13:20 |
SYOF 2.8 |
Structure and Electrical Properties of Perfluorinated Phthalocyanine Thin Films — •Wilfried Michaelis, Karsten Hesse, and Derck Schlettwein