
Münster 2002 – scientific programme

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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne

HK 10: Poster Session: Nuclear Physics/Spectroscopy

HK 10.11: Poster

Tuesday, March 12, 2002, 10:30–12:45, Foyer Chemie

High-spin spectroscopy in 161,162Lu * — •P. Bringel1, J. Domscheit1, H. Hübel1, A. Neusser1, G. Schönwasser1, A.K. Singh1, G.B. Hagemann2, D.R. Jensen2, D. Bazzacco3, S. Lunardi3, M. Axiotis4, Th. Kröll4, D.R. Napoli4, C. Ur4, H. Amro5, S.C. Pancholi6, R. Bhowmik7, S. Bhattacharya8, and C. Petrache91ISKP, Univ. Bonn, Germany — 2NBI, Copenhage, Denmark — 3INFN e Dipart. di Fisica, Padova, Italy — 4INFN, LNL, Legnaro, Italy — 5Dep. of Physics, Mississippi State University, USA — 6Dep. of Physics & Astronomy, Dehli University, Dehli, India — 7Nuclear Science Centre, New Dehli, India — 8SINP, Calcutta, India — 9Univ. di Camerino, Italy

Triaxial superdeformation (TSD) has recently been established in Lu and Hf isotopes in the mass 165 region. The aim of this work is to search for the predicted TSD in 161Lu and 162Lu. High-spin states in these nuclei have been populated in the r eaction 100Mo(65Cu,xn) at 260 MeV beam energy at the Legnaro Tandem accelerator. Gamma-ray coincidences have been measured with the GASP array. The data permit an extension of all the known normal-deformed (ND) bands in 161,162Lu. The searc h for TSD is in progress.

* Work supported by BMBF (Contract no. 06 BN 907) and by DFG (Contract no. Hu 325/10)

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