Münster 2002 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 10: Poster Session: Nuclear Physics/Spectroscopy
HK 10.12: Poster
Dienstag, 12. März 2002, 10:30–12:45, Foyer Chemie
Photon scattering on 98Mo ⋆ — •G. Rusev1,2, R. Schwengner1, F. Dönau1, L. Käubler1, S. Mallion1, K.D. Schilling1, A. Wagner1, H. von Garrel3, U. Kneißl3, C. Kohstall3, M. Kreutz3, H.H. Pitz3, M. Scheck3, and F. Stedile3 — 1Inst. für Kern- und Hadronenphysik, FZ Rossendorf — 2INRNE Sofia — 3IfS, Universität Stuttgart
We present results of the first photon-scattering experiment on the nuclide
98Mo. This experiment was carried out at the bremsstrahlung facility
the Stuttgart Dynamitron accelerator at an electron energy of 3.8 MeV.
scattered from a 98Mo target with a mass of 1998 mg, enriched to
98.55%, were measured with three HPGe detectors placed at 90∘,
127∘ and 150∘, respectively, to the incident photon beam.
We identified five states with J = 1 in the energy range from 2.8 to 3.6
MeV. A state at about 2.8 MeV is a candidate for the [2+ ⊗
two-phonon excitation while states with 3.2 to 3.6 MeV may be considered as
Jπ= 1+ states. An analogous experiment was carried out for the
100Mo and is also being analysed.
⋆ Supported by the DFG under contract no. Do 466/1-1.