Münster 2002 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 10: Poster Session: Nuclear Physics/Spectroscopy
HK 10.17: Poster
Dienstag, 12. März 2002, 10:30–12:45, Foyer Chemie
Side-feeding pattern investigation in the 114Cd(36S,xn) and 100Mo(48Ti,xn) reactions — •A.A. Pasternak1,2, W. Gast1, H.M. Jäger1, L. Mihailescu1, R.M. Lieder1, E.O. Podsvirova1,2, D. Bazzacco3, R. Menegazzo3, S. Lunardi3, C. Rossi Alvarez3, G. de Angelis4, E. Farnea4, A. Gadea4, D.R. Napoli4, T. Rzaca-Urban5, and W. Urban5 — 1IKP, FZ Jülich, D-52425 Jülich — 2A.F. Joffe PTI, RU-194021 St. Petersburg — 3INFN, Sezione di Padova, I-35131 Padova — 4INFN, LNL, I-35020 Legnaro — 5IEP, Univ. Warsaw, PL-00-681 Warsaw
A new approach for the investigation of continuum γ-ray cascades has been developed based on Monte-Carlo simulations of entry-state population distributions and the deexcitation of the entry states. The aim is to fit simultaneously different types of experimental data, viz. statistical distributions of γ-ray cascades like γ-multiplicity distributions and DSA γ-ray lineshapes, being sensitive to the time-distribution of the side-feeding cascades. In the deexcitation process stretched E2 bands (including rotational damping) and statistical E1, M1 and E2 transitions have been considered. For the near-magic nuclei 142−146Gd also superdeformed bands (SDB) and magnetic rotational bands have been taken into account. Fold distributions for the 114Cd(36S,xn)144,145,146Gd (E=182MeV) and 100Mo(48Ti,xn)143,144,145Gd (E=215 MeV) reactions measured with GASP have been fitted. For the case of 114Cd(36S,6n)144Gd side-feeding time distributions have been calculated with the same fit parameters. Experimental DSA lineshapes can be reproduced assuming a considerable number of SDB in the continuum.