Münster 2002 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 10: Poster Session: Nuclear Physics/Spectroscopy
HK 10.4: Poster
Dienstag, 12. März 2002, 10:30–12:45, Foyer Chemie
The influence of the N=50 neutron-core on dipole excitations in 87Rb — •L. Käubler1, K.D. Schilling1, R. Schwengner1, D. Belic2, P. v. Brentano3, F. Dönau1, C. Fransen3, M. Grinberg4, E. Grosse1, U. Kneissl2, C. Kohstall2, A. Linnemann3, P. Matschinsky3, A. Nord2, N. Pietralla3, H.H. Pitz2, M. Scheck2, F. Stedile2, and V. Werner3 — 1Inst. f. Kern- und Hadronenphysik, FZ Rossendorf, 01314 Dresden — 2Inst. f. Strahlenphysik, Uni Stuttgart, 70569 Stuttgart — 3Inst. f. Kernphysik, Uni zu Köln, 50937 Köln — 4Inst. f. Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia, BG-1784 Sofia
Dipole excitations in the semimagic N=50 nucleus 87Rb were
at the Stuttgart Dynamitron
facility using bremsstrahlung with an endpoint energy of 4.0 MeV.
The magnetic dipole excitations
are well reproduced in the
framework of the
shell model,
however, these calculations cannot
describe the
observed electric dipole excitations.
The 1/2+ state at 3060 keV is proposed
to be the weak coupling of an f5/2 proton hole to the 3− octupole
state in the N=50 core 88Sr. The relatively strong E1 transition
from that state to the
ground state is explained as mainly the neutron
h11/2 → g9/2 transition.
The breakup of the N=50 core and neutron excitations into
the h11/2 shell are essential to describe electric dipole excitations,
but neutron-core excitations do not play an important role for the
of magnetic dipole excitations.
*Supported by the DFG, contracts Br-799/9, Gr-1674/1-1
and Kn-154/30, and the SMWK, contract 7533-70-FZR/702.