Münster 2002 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 10: Poster Session: Nuclear Physics/Spectroscopy
HK 10.5: Poster
Dienstag, 12. März 2002, 10:30–12:45, Foyer Chemie
High-spin structure of the spherical nucleus 90Y ⋆ — •R. Schwengner1, G. Rainovski1,2, K.D. Schilling1, A. Wagner1, A. Jungclaus3, E. Galindo4, O. Thelen5, D.R. Napoli6, C.A. Ur7, G. de Angelis6, M. Axiotis6, A. Gadea6, N. Marginean6, T. Martinez6, and T. Kröll7 — 1FZ Rossendorf — 2INRNE Sofia — 3Universidad de Madrid — 4Universität Göttingen — 5Universität Köln — 6INFN, LN Legnaro — 7INFN, Università di Padova
High-spin states in 90Y were populated in the 82Se(11B,3n)
reaction at a beam energy of 37 MeV using the XTU tandem accelerator of the
Legnaro National Laboratory. Gamma rays were detected with the spectrometer
GASP. The level scheme of 90Y was extended up to Jπ= (18+) at
MeV. Mean lifetimes of four levels were determined using the Doppler shift
attenuation method. The structure of 90Y was interpreted in terms of
shell model. The calculations were performed in the model space
as well as in an extended space including the ν(0g7/2) orbital. The
calculations in the extended model space reveal a correspondence between
states in 90Y and 89Y. Moreover, it is possible to assign a
of the predicted states with Jπ≥ 14(+) that reproduces the
experimental B(M1) values of up to about 1 W.u.
⋆ Supported by the European Commission and the Saxon Ministry of
Sciences and Arts.