10:30 |
HK 13.1 |
Close dilepton pair rejection strategies for HADES — •Jaroslav Bielcik
10:30 |
HK 13.2 |
The HADES second level trigger algorithm: principles and first results from experiments with 12C beam — •Alberica Toia, Wolfgang Kuehn, James Ritman, Joerg Lehnert, Markus Petri, Michael Traxler, Ingo Froehlich, Daniel Kirschner, Daniel Schaefer, and Adrian Gabriel
10:30 |
HK 13.3 |
Correlation studies with INDRA@GSI — •C. Schwarz
10:30 |
HK 13.4 |
Pions in Spectator Fragmentation Induced by Relativistic 12C Projectiles — •Ketel Turzó
10:30 |
HK 13.5 |
Particle Intensities at the GSI Secondary Beam Facility — •M. Ardid, J. Diaz, A. Andronic, A. Banu, O. Busch, M. Gersabeck, and R.S. Simon
10:30 |
HK 13.6 |
Λ - Production in C+C Reactions at 158 AGeV* — •I. Kraus, L. Betev, A. Billmeier, C. Blume, R. Bramm, P. Buncic, P. Dinkelaker, M. Gaździcki, T. Kollegger, C. Markert, R. Renfordt, A. Sandoval, R. Stock, H. Ströbele, D. Vranić, A. Wetzler, and J. Zaranek
10:30 |
HK 13.7 |
Production of φ→ e+ e− in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158AGeV* — •Peter Dinkelaker, L. Betev, C. Blume, R. Bramm, P. Buncic, M. Gaździcki, T. Kollegger, I. Kraus, A. Mischke, R. Renfordt, A. Sandoval, R. Stock, H. Ströebele, D. Vranic, A. Wetzler, and J. Zaranek
10:30 |
HK 13.8 |
Calibration and charged particle distributions of the Forward-TPCs in the STAR Experiment — •Jörn Putschke, Volker Eckardt, Andreas Gärtner, Gaspare Lo Curto, Markus Oldenburg, Patrizia Krok, Maria Mora, Andreas Schüttauf, Norbert Schmitz, Janet Seyboth, Peter Seyboth, Frank Simon, and Michael Vidal
10:30 |
HK 13.9 |
The role of three-body collisions in φ mesonproduction processes near threshold in heavy-ion reactions — •H.W. Barz, B. Kämpfer, M. Zetenyi, and Gy. Wolf