14:00 |
HK 30.1 |
Intruder and Multi–Phonon States in 108Cd — •A. Gade, P. von Brentano, J. Jolie, C. Fransen, A. Linnemann, and V. Werner
14:30 |
HK 30.2 |
Isomer spectroscopy and large scale shell model calculations at the borderline to fission — •H. Grawe, K. Hauschild, M. Rejmund, E. Caurier, F. Nowacki, J. Döring, M. Górska, K. Helariutta, P. Jones, R. Julin, W. Korten, M. Leino, K. Schmidt, and J. Uusitalo
14:45 |
HK 30.3 |
Evidence for proton excitations in 130−136Xe isotopes from measurements of g factors of first excited 2+ and 4+ states+ — •K.-H. Speidel, R. Ernst, G. Jakob, N. Benczer-Koller, G. Kumbartzki, J. Holden, T.J. Mertzimekis, A.E. Stuchbery, A. Pakou, P. Maier-Komor, A. Macchiavelli, M. McMahan, L. Phair, and I.Y. Lee
15:00 |
HK 30.4 |
Magnetic and collective rotation in 79Br — •F. Dönau, R. Schwengner, T. Servene, H. Schnare, J. Reif, G. Winter, L. Käubler, H. Prade, S. Skoda, J. Eberth, H.G. Thomas, F. Becker, B. Fiedler, S. Freund, S. Kasemann, T. Steinhardt, O. Thelen, T. Härtlein, C. Ender, F. Köck, P. Reiter, and D. Schwalm
15:15 |
HK 30.5 |
Mixed-symmetry excitations near the Z=38 sub-shell ∗ — •V. Werner, D. Belic, P. von Brentano, C. Fransen, A. Gade, H. von Garrel, U. Kneissl, C. Kohstall, A. Linnemann, A. Lisetskiy, N. Pietralla, H.H. Pitz, M. Scheck, and F. Stedile