Münster 2002 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 41: Heavy Ions V
Donnerstag, 14. März 2002, 14:00–15:30, E
14:00 |
HK 41.1 |
Development and Series Production of the ALICE TPC Readout Chambers — •Danilo Vranic, Gerd Augustinski, Peter Braun-Munzinger, Heinz Daues, Ulrich Frankenfeld, Chilo Garabatos, Joerg Hehner, Rudolf Schmidt, Herbert Stelzer, Peter Glässel, Bernd Windelband, and Rainer Renfordt
14:30 |
HK 41.2 |
The ALICE Transition Radiation Detector — •Johannes P. Wessels
14:45 |
HK 41.3 |
Investigation of the event anisotropy with the CERES/NA45 experiment — •Jana Slivova and Jovan Milosevic
15:00 |
HK 41.4 |
Charge fluctuations in nuclear collisions: experimental results and model studies. — •Jacek Zaranek, P. Dinkelaker, L. Betev, C. Blume, R. Bramm, P. Buncic, M. Gaździcki, T. Kollegger, I. Kraus, A. Mischke, R. Renfordt, A. Sendoval, R. Stock, H. Ströbele, D. Vranic, and A. Wetzler
15:15 |
HK 41.5 |
Event-by-Event Fluctuations at 40, 80 and 158 AGeV/c in Pb+Au Collisions from CERES/NA45 — •Hiroyuki Sako and Harald Appelshäuser