Münster 2002 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 6: Heavy Ions I
HK 6.4: Vortrag
Montag, 11. März 2002, 17:45–18:00, E
Two particle correlations in STAR — •Dominik Flierl, Clemens Adler, Jens Berger, Thomas Dietel, Sören Lange, Reinhard Stock, and Christof Struck — Universität Frankfurt
The STAR detector system at RHIC is built to detect a large fraction of the hadrons produced in collisions of ultra relativistic heavy ions. The large TPC as the central detector of STAR identifies species and momentum of emitted particles. Most of the detected particles are pions, but a higher level trigger enables STAR also to search for rare particles. Those probes carry information about the early stages of the collision, but the expansion of highly compressed nuclear matter is best observed with the most abundant species : pions. Collective flow and spatial conditions at thermal freeze out when the pions leave the interaction volume are accessible by two pion correlations. We will present results from charged pion HBT studies at √sNN=130GeV.
Supported by BMBF and GSI.