10:30 |
HK 9.1 |
Dispersive Effects in Nucleon Polarisabilities Observed in Deuteron Compton Scattering — •Harald W. Grießhammer
10:30 |
HK 9.2 |
Debye Screening At Finite Temperature, Revisited — •Roland A. Schneider
10:30 |
HK 9.3 |
Thermodynamics of fireball expansion — •Thorsten Renk, Roland A. Schneider, and Wolfram Weise
10:30 |
HK 9.4 |
Simple High Accuracy Calculations of the Three Nucleon System at Very Low Energies — •Harald W. Grießhammer
10:30 |
HK 9.5 |
Note on finite temperature sum rules for vector and axial-vector spectral functions — •Eugenio Marco, Ralf Hofmann, and Wolfram Weise
10:30 |
HK 9.6 |
Chiral Magnetism of the Nucleon — •Thomas R. Hemmert and Wolfram Weise
10:30 |
HK 9.7 |
Baryon chiral perturbation theory with a cutoff regularization: Inclusion of decuplet states — •Buḡra Borasoy, Barry Holstein, Randy Lewis, and Pierre Ouimet
10:30 |
HK 9.8 |
Study of relativistic bound states in a scalar model using diagonalization/Monte Carlo methods — •Buḡra Borasoy and Dean Lee
10:30 |
HK 9.9 |
Chiral 2π-exchange NN-potentials: Relativistic 1/M2-corrections — •Norbert Kaiser
10:30 |
HK 9.10 |
Chiral corrections to the double scattering term for the pion-deuteron scattering length — •Norbert Kaiser
10:30 |
HK 9.11 |
Chiral 2π-exchange NN-potentials: Two-loop contributions — •Norbert Kaiser
10:30 |
HK 9.12 |
Chiral corrections to kaon nucleon scattering lengths — •Norbert Kaiser
10:30 |
HK 9.13 |
Nuclear spin-orbit interaction from chiral pion-nucleon dynamics — •Norbert Kaiser
10:30 |
HK 9.14 |
Development of a parton cascade for ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions — •Zhe Xu and Carsten Greiner
10:30 |
HK 9.15 |
Quantum transport for Φ4 theory in 2+1 dimensions — •Sascha Juchem, Wolfgang Cassing, and Carsten Greiner
10:30 |
HK 9.16 |
Wide–angle Compton scattering and generalized parton distributions — •T. Oppermann, A.V. Radyushkin, A. Schäfer, and C. Weiss
10:30 |
HK 9.17 |
Simple picture of twist–3 effects in deeply–virtual Compton scattering — •C. Weiss and A.V. Radyushkin
10:30 |
HK 9.18 |
Collective dynamics in selfconsistent Mean-Field-Models — •Patrick Fleischer and Paul-Gerhard Reinhard
10:30 |
HK 9.19 |
New chiral-symmetry-breaking operators in pseudoscalar QCD sum rules — •Hilmar Forkel
10:30 |
HK 9.20 |
Inequalities for the masses of the lightest ππ resonances in large Nc QCD — •M.V. Polyakov and V.V. Vereshagin
10:30 |
HK 9.21 |
Hard exclusive reactions with electroweak probes — •Jens Ossmann
10:30 |
HK 9.22 |
The π A → ππ A reaction — •Carsten Isselhorst, Zoheir Aouissat, and Jochen Wambach
10:30 |
HK 9.23 |
Six-quark dressed bag states in 2- and 3-nucleon systems — •M.M. Kaskulov, V.I. Kukulin, and P. Grabmayr
10:30 |
HK 9.24 |
Quark Loop Calculations of Electroweak Meson Observables in a Covariant Bethe–Salpeter Model — •Matthias Koll, Ralf Ricken, Bernard Metsch, and Vladimir Hellmann
10:30 |
HK 9.25 |
Coulomb effect in hard-photon proton-proton bremsstrahlung — •R.G.E. Timmermans and T.D. Penninga
10:30 |
HK 9.26 |
Final State Interaction Effects in Incoherent Photoproduction of π-Mesons on the Deuteron — •Eed Darwish, Hartmuth Arenhövel, and Michael Schwamb
10:30 |
HK 9.27 |
Two and Three Neutron Halos in Helium and Lithium Isotope — •M. Tomaseli, T. Kuehl, P. Egelhof, W. Noertershaeuser, A. Dax, H. Wang, D. Marx, S.R. Neumaier, H.-J. Kluge, I. Tanihata, S. Fritzsche, and M. Muttere
10:30 |
HK 9.28 |
Three quark correlations in hot and dense nuclear matter — •Michael Beyer, Stefano Mattiello, Tobias Frederico, and Hans J Weber
10:30 |
HK 9.29 |
The Jülich pion-nucleon model — •Achot M. Gasparyan , Johann Haidenbauer, Christoph Hanhart, and Josef Speth
10:30 |
HK 9.30 |
The influence of three body cuts on the reaction NN → NNx—a toy model study — •Andreas Motzke, Charlotte Elster, Christoph Hanhart, and Josef Speth