14:00 |
A 13.1 |
A comparison of theory and experiment in strong-field ionization of Argon — •R. Wiehle, V. Schyja, H. Helm, B. Witzel, and E. Cormier
14:15 |
A 13.2 |
Spin polarization of resonant Auger in Ar — •Bernd Lohmann, U. Kleimann, György Snell, Burkhard Langer, S. Kanton, Nora Berrah, M. Martens, and Uwe Becker
14:30 |
A 13.3 |
Erstmaliger Nachweis von Quadrupolbeiträgen zur Spinpolarisation von Photoelektronen anhand der Xe-4p Photoionisation — •Tarek Khalil, Bernd Schmidtke, Markus Drescher, Norbert Müller und Ulrich Heinzmann
14:45 |
A 13.4 |
Circular Dichroism in K-shell Ionization from Fixed-in-Space CO and N2 Molecules — •T. Jahnke, Th. Weber, A. L. Landers, A. Knapp, S. Schössler, J. Nickles, S. Kammer, O. Jagutzki, L. Schmidt, A. Czasch, T. Osipov, E. Arenholz, A. T. Young, R. Díez Muiño, D. Rolles, F. J. García de Abajo, C. S. Fadley, M. A. Van Hove, S. K. Semenov, N. A. Cherepkov, J. Rösch, M. H. Prior, H. Schmidt-Böcking, C. L. Cocke, and R. Dörner
15:00 |
A 13.5 |
Circular Dichroism in the Ion Yield of Alanine — •Georg Prümper, Slobodan Cveanovic, Jens Viefhaus, Toralf Lischke, Daniel Rolles, Oliver Geßner, and Uwe Becker
15:15 |
A 13.6 |
The complete description of the 4σ−1 inner valence photoionization of NO derived from photoelectron and photoion angular distributions — •Oliver Gessner, Yasumasa Hikosaka, Björn Zimmermann, Andreas Hempelmann, John Eland, Paul-Marie Guyon, and Uwe Becker
15:30 |
A 13.7 |
High-resolution photoelectron emission from oriented N2 molecules — •Rainer Hentges, Daniel Rolles, Georg Prümper, Alexander Golovin, and Uwe Becker
15:45 |
A 13.8 |
Coherence Phenomena in the Photoelectron Emission from Homonuclear Molecules — •Daniel Rolles, Rainer Hentges, Georg Prümper, Uwe Becker, and Ricardo Dìez Muiño