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O: Oberflächenphysik
O 13: Postersitzung (Adsorption an Oberfl
ächen, Elektronische Struktur, Magnetismus in reduzierten Dimensionen, Epitaxie und Wachstum, Halbleiteroberfl
ächen und -grenzfl
ächen, Organische Dünnschichten)
O 13.29: Poster
Montag, 11. März 2002, 18:00–21:00, Bereich C
Double photoemission from metal surfaces: A case study for copper. — •Natasha Fominykh, Jürgen Henk, Jamal Berakdar, and Patrick Bruno — Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, Weinberg 2, D-06120 Halle/Saale
The double-electron photoemission (DPE) from metal surfaces [1,2] is investigated theoretically. Employing a local, screened Coulomb interaction between the two photoelectrons, we developed and implemented a LKKR method for the calculation of the two-photoelectron current. The method can be regarded as an extention of the one-step model of single photoemission (SPE) to the DPE case and can be equally used for the evaluation of the SPE spectra. The calculated DPE photocurrents from Cu(001) and Cu(111) surfaces reveal the details of the electron-electron interaction in metals. SPE spectra are used to trace down the features in the DPE signal that are akin to single-particle processes. [1] N. Fominykh, J. Henk, J. Berakdar, P. Bruno, H. Gollisch, R. Feder, Solid State Communications, 113 (12), 665-669, (2000) [2] N. Fominykh, J. Henk, J. Berakdar, P. Bruno. Surf.Science, in press (2002)