
Regensburg 2002 – scientific programme

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O: Oberflächenphysik

O 25: Teilchen und Cluster

O 25.5: Talk

Tuesday, March 12, 2002, 17:15–17:30, H45

Influence of oxygen on metal and semiconductor core shell particles — •Giorah Bour, Cornelia Keutgen, Andrei Stepanov, Alexander Reinholdt, and Uwe Kreibig — I. Physikalisches Institut der RWTH Aachen, Postfach 52056, D-52056, Aachen

We present recently obtained optical and DC electrical data from percolated metal (Yttrium and Nickel) and semiconducting (Indium Oxide and ITO) nanoparticle films in the size regime of 10 - 30 nm. These particles were created by laser ablation/thermal evaporation and in situ investigated in an UHV environment. Optical, electrical and TEM measurements were performed. Introduced oxygen can either cause uniform oxide distributions or distinct core/shell structures. Oxygen influences upon the optical and electrical properties are demonstrated.

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2002 > Regensburg