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SYQT: Quantentransport auf molekularen Skalen
SYQT 1: Quantentransport auf molekularen Skalen
SYQT 1.4: Hauptvortrag
Montag, 11. März 2002, 12:00–12:30, H2
Controlling self-assembled architectures for molecular devices — •Sophia Yaliraki — Imperial College, London, UK
Molecular electronics relies on a No-dqbottom-upNo-dq self-assembly approach where devices comprised of individual molecules perform functions analogous to those of current technology. However, the major challenge remains the ordered and controlled assembly of the individual components at the interface. Irrespective of the details of the device, structure often determines function. One of the most promising candidates, single-wall carbon nanotubes, remains difficult to handle chemically and organise into ordered arrays without the use of lithography. We will show theoretically the importance of the geometry at the interface as well as the ordering of the molecules on transport. We will present results based on covalent (dendrimeric architectures) and non covalent interactions (carbon nanotube networks). Implications for experiments and challenges of future work will be discussed.