Regensburg 2002 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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TT: Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 15: Metall-Isolator-Überg
änge, Phasenüberg
änge in Quantensystemen I
TT 15.9: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 13. März 2002, 16:45–17:00, H20
From Singlet to Néel State - a Substitution Study on the Spin Tetrahedra System Cu2Te2O5(Br1−xClx)2 — •P. Lemmens1,2, K.Y. Choi2, G. Güntherodt2, H. Kageyama3, Z. Hiroi3, W. Schäfer4, C. Geibel5, W. Brenig6, C. Gros7, R. Valenti7, P. Millet8, K.W. Törnroos9, M. Johnsson10, and F. Mila11 — 1IMNF, TU Braunschweig — 22. Phys. Institut, RWTH Aachen — 3ISSP Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan — 4MIN/ZFR-FZ Jülich — 5MPI-CPfS, Dresden — 6Theor. Physik, TU Braunschweig — 7Theor. Physik, Univ. Saarbrücken — 8CEMS-CNRS, Toulouse, France — 9Dept. Chemistry, Univ. of Bergen, Norway — 10Dept. Inorg. Chemistry, Stockholm Univ., Sweden — 11Inst. de Phys. Theor., Univ. Lausanne, Switzerland
The recently found quantum spin system
Cu2Te2O5(Br1−xClx)2 with weakly coupled s=1/2
spin tetrahedra allows in a unique way to interpolate between two
very different ground states as the unit cell volume and the
inter-tetrahedra coupling is dependent on the stoichiometry x [1].
With x=0 and x=1 a singlet or a Néel ground state is
realized, respectively, as evidenced by spectroscopic and
thermodynamic properties. Samples with 0<x<1 show a continuous
tuning of the phonon frequencies without an enlargement of their
linewidth. The magnetic excitation spectrum of the system,
however, changes drastically as for x ≈ 1/3 a large number
of low energy modes are induced. Further thermodynamic studies
support this observation of a regime with different low
temperature properties. We acknowledge support by DFG
P. Lemmens, et al, PRL87, 227201