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TT: Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 17: Postersitzung II: Mesoskopische Systeme (1-19), Supraleiter: Theorie (20-26), Elektronenstruktur, Phononen, Tunneln, Ordnungsparameter (27-33), Schwere Fermionen, Kondo-Systeme (34-45)
TT 17.18: Poster
Mittwoch, 13. März 2002, 14:30–18:00, A
Non-Markoffian effects of a simple nonlinear bath — •Hanno Gassmann, Florian Marquardt, and Christoph Bruder — Klingelbergstrasse 82, CH-4056 Basel
We analyze a model of a spin subject to an environment which consists of a single two-level system coupled to a classical noise force. The decay of the equilibrium correlator and the density matrix of the spin are discussed and compared to the results of a Markoff approximation. Further, a linear bath with the appropriate colored noise correlations is substituted for the nonlinear bath. This allows us to study the effects of a nonlinear, non-Markoffian bath in a particularly simple situation.