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TT: Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 17: Postersitzung II: Mesoskopische Systeme (1-19), Supraleiter: Theorie (20-26), Elektronenstruktur, Phononen, Tunneln, Ordnungsparameter (27-33), Schwere Fermionen, Kondo-Systeme (34-45)
TT 17.24: Poster
Mittwoch, 13. März 2002, 14:30–18:00, A
Theory for phonon-induced superconductivity in MgB2 — •Christian Joas, Ilya Eremin, Dirk Manske, and Karl Bennemann — Institut für Theoretische Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, D-14195 Berlin
We analyze superonductivity in MgB2 observed below Tc=39 K resulting from electron-phonon coupling involving a mode at ℏ ω1 = 24 meV and most importantly the in-plane B-B E2g vibration at ℏ ω2=67 meV. The quasiparticles in the boron planes originating from π- and σ-states couple strongly to the low-frequency mode and the E2g-vibrations respectively. Using two-band Eliashberg theory, λπ = 1.4 and λσ = 0.7, we calculate the gap functions Δi(ω,0) (i=π, σ) and determine µπ⋆ = 0.1 and µσ⋆ = 0.18. Our results provide an explanation of recent tunneling experiments. We get Hc2ab/Hc2c ≈ 4.