Aachen PK 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
K 3: Laser beam - matter interaction
Donnerstag, 20. März 2003, 11:30–12:45, F04
11:30 |
K 3.1 |
UV Laser-induced color centers in photosensitive glass — •Marc Talkenberg, Christian Spitz, Ernst Wolfgang Kreutz, and Ralf Menzel
11:45 |
K 3.2 |
Ionization of dielectrics by femtosecond laser pulses — •V.V. Temnov, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, P. Zhou, B. Rethfeld, V.E. Gruzdev, D. von der Linde, O.M. Fedotova, T.V. Smirnova, and O.K. Khasanov
12:00 |
K 3.3 |
Limitations and special features of Keldysh’s theory of laser-induced ionization of solids — •Vitali Gruzdev and Dietrich von der Linde
12:15 |
K 3.4 |
Evolution of free electron density in dielectrics under ultrashort laser pulse interaction — •Bärbel Rethfeld
12:30 |
K 3.5 |
Investigation of the Photon-Mater interaction in the femtosecond regime by time-resolved Nomarski-photography and transient absorptions spectroscopy via the pump and probe method — •Hooman Khajehnouri, Alexander Horn, Ernst Wolfgang Kreutz, and Reinhart Poprawe