Aachen PK 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 1: Plasma Wall Interaction
Montag, 17. März 2003, 15:45–17:45, FO1
15:45 |
P 1.1 |
Erosion and redeposition of tungsten in the tokamak ASDEX Upgrade — •K. Krieger, A. Geier, H. Maier, R. Neu, R. Pugno, V. Rohde, and ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:05 |
P 1.2 |
Interaction and Influence of Hydrogen and Deuterium on Chemical Erosion of Carbon — •P. Starke, U. Fantz, and K. Behringer
16:25 |
P 1.3 |
Short range carbon transport near plasma wetted surfaces in TEXTOR — •Peter Wienhold, Andreas Kirschner, Volker Philipps, and Marek Rubel
16:45 |
P 1.4 |
High Flux of Magnetised Hydrogen Plasma in Magnum-PSI — •victor Veremiyenko, G. Kruijtzer, R.P. Dahiya, R. Engeln, B. de Groot, Z. Ahmad, and W.J. Goedheer
17:05 |
P 1.5 |
Flow Velocity Measurements in a Magnetic Nozzle in PSI-2 and the Bohm Criterion — •T. Lunt, N. Ezumi, B. Koch, and G. Fussmann
17:25 |
P 1.6 |
Modulated Supersonic Helium Beam for the Measurement of Electron Temperature and Density Fluctuations — •Uron Kruezi, U. Samm, O. Schmitz, B. Schweer, and B. Unterberg