17:30 |
P 10.1 |
ECR heating of a linearly magnetized helicon plasma — •Jacob Zalach, Olaf Grulke, and Thomas Klinger
17:30 |
P 10.2 |
Modified global model applied to argon ICP discharges — •S.Vikram Singh, S.Vikram Singh, Yuri Ivanov, Henning Soltwisch, Yuri Ivanov, and Henning Soltwisch
17:30 |
P 10.3 |
Two-dimensional fluid simulation of inductively coupled argon discharges — •Yuri Ivanov, Yuri Ivanov, S.Vikram Singh, Carsten Pargmann, Henning Soltwisch, S.Vikram Singh, Carsten Pargmann, and Henning Soltwisch
17:30 |
P 10.4 |
Theoretical study of pulsed high-pressure xenon discharges∗ — •M. Wendt and H. Schneidenbach
17:30 |
P 10.5 |
Spontaneous branching of discharge streamers: conformal mapping approach — •Bernard Meulenbroek, Andrea Rocco, and Ute Ebert
17:30 |
P 10.6 |
The influence of a blocking electrode and fast charging on the working pressure of a Pseudospark discharge in Xenon — •Rainer Bischoff
17:30 |
P 10.7 |
Diagnostics of stable and transient species in pulsed and cw rf discharges in CF4 — •Martin Geigl and Jürgen Meichsner
17:30 |
P 10.8 |
Electron heating associated with small-scale fluctuations excited in helicon plasma — •Bernd Clarenbach, Michael Krämer, Bernd Lorenz, and Valeriy Selenin
17:30 |
P 10.9 |
Modeling ionisation and transport of sputtered material in magnetron sources — •Philippa Browning, Raffaello Sobbia, and James Bradley
17:30 |
P 10.10 |
Plasma sterilisation of polymer fols by means of a cascaded discharge setup — •Oliver Franken, Thomas Lierfeld, Michael Heise, and Willi Neff
17:30 |
P 10.11 |
Modeling ionisation and transport of sputtered material in magnetron sources — •Philippa Browning, Raffaello Sobbia, and James Bradley
17:30 |
P 10.12 |
An Adaptive Collisional Radiative Model: Theory and Applications for Low Temperature Plasmas — •D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, and K. Behringer
17:30 |
P 10.13 |
Investigations on drift waves in a helicon discharge — •Christiane Schröder, Olaf Grulke, and Thomas Klinger
17:30 |
P 10.14 |
Impurity Transport Studies in the divertor operation of the W7-AS Stellarator — •Maciej Krychowiak, Maciej Krychowiak, Ralf König, Rainer Burhenn, Hartmut Ehmler, Rainer Fischer, Jens Knauer, Ekkehard Pasch, Andreas Werner, and Thomas Klinger
17:30 |
P 10.15 |
On the Influence of the Plasma Current on the Rotation of Hydrogen in the T2R Reversed Field Pinch — •Frans Meijer, Bob Gravestijn, and Elizabeth Rachlew
17:30 |
P 10.16 |
The Atlas for the TEXTOR-DED operations — •M.W. Jakubowski, S.S. Abdullaev, and K.H. Finken
17:30 |
P 10.17 |
Safety factor profile evolution during the current ramp phase — •Alexey Merkulov, G.M.D. Hogeweij, R.J.E. Jaspers, H.R. Koslowski, A. Krämer-Flecken, F.C. Schüller, and E. Westerhof
17:30 |
P 10.18 |
Influence of the non-linearity of the collision operator on ion cyclotron resonance heating of a tokamak plasma. — •Fabrice Louche
17:30 |
P 10.19 |
Systematic spatio-temporally resolved spectroscopic investigations of dielectric barrier discharges in nitrogen/oxygen gas mixtures — •Ronny Brandenburg, Kirill V. Kozlov, Alexander Morozov, Hans-Erich Wagner, and Peter Michel
17:30 |
P 10.20 |
Thomson Scattering measurements on a atmospheric Ar DC discharge lamp — •Xiaoyan Zhu, Marco Redwitz, Erik Kieft, Marco van de Sande, and Joost van der Mullen
17:30 |
P 10.21 |
Reconstruction of edge Zeff profiles from bremsstrahlung data via (semi-)Blind Source Separation methods on TEXTOR — •Geert Verdoolaege, Giuseppe Telesca, and Guido Van Oost
17:30 |
P 10.22 |
Helium line ratios for diagnostics of plasma parameters in different types of discharges — •S. Riegg, U. Fantz, and K. Behringer
17:30 |
P 10.23 |
SF6/Ar/O2 plasma jet etching of Si and SiO2 — •Thomas Arnold, Sergey Grabovski, Axel Schindler, and Hans-Erich Wagner
17:30 |
P 10.24 |
Plasma potential measurement in a magnetised plasma — •Franko Greiner, Dietmar Block, Alexander Piel, and Svetlana Ratynskaia
17:30 |
P 10.25 |
Determination of electron temperature and electron density from intensity ratios of Si I lines — •Ronnie Stirn, Hirsch K., Lindner P., Roth B., and Schumacher U.
17:30 |
P 10.26 |
Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) in Ar/CxFy mixtures — •Igor Vinogradov, Mahmud Shakhatre, and Achim Lunk
17:30 |
P 10.27 |
Fourier transform phase shift cavity ring down spectroscopy — •R. Zijlmans, A. Smets, E. Hamers, D. Schram, and R. Engeln
17:30 |
P 10.28 |
Hydrocarbons in the Divertor IIb of ASDEX Upgrade — •Bernd Heger, R. Pugno, A. Kirschner, D. Coster, and ASDEX Upgrade Team
17:30 |
P 10.29 |
Measurements of the electron energy distribution function in ICP plasmas — •S. Dietrich, U. Fantz, and K. Behringer
17:30 |
P 10.30 |
Measurements of the Parallel and Perpendicular Flow in the Electrode Biased Plasma Edge of Textor-94 using an Improved Theoretical Model — •Peter Peleman, Guido Van Oost, Stefan Jachmich, and Michael Van Schoor
17:30 |
P 10.31 |
Investigations of neon plasmas with admixtures of hydrogen in ECR and ICP reactors — •M. Regler, U. Fantz, and K. Behringer
17:30 |
P 10.32 |
Detection of hydrocarbons near to the wall of TEXTOR by means of tunable diode laser spectroscopy — •I. Möller, A. Serdioutchenko, H. Soltwisch, B. Schweer, and A. Pospieszczyk
17:30 |
P 10.33 |
Measurement of the Electron Temperature and Density in Recombining Plasmas — •Dennis Schröder, Uwe Wenzel, Werner Bohmeyer, and Bernd Koch
17:30 |
P 10.34 |
Investigation of neoclassical transport in the torsatron TJ-K — •K. Rahbarnia, C. Beidler, F. Greiner, M. Ramisch, and U. Stroth
17:30 |
P 10.35 |
Dynamical balance of forces acting on free-falling particles in a plasma column — •Ciprian Zafiu, Andre Melzer, and Alexander Piel
17:30 |
P 10.36 |
Dust Formation and Plasma Response in Ar/C2H2 RF Discharge — •Eva Kovacevic, Ilija Stefanovic, Johannes Berndt, and Jörg Winter
17:30 |
P 10.37 |
Langmuir probe measurements in complex plasmas under microgravity conditions — •Markus Klindworth, André Melzer, and Alexander Piel
17:30 |
P 10.38 |
An experiment for measuring ion drag forces on micrometer sized particles — •Markus Hirt and Alexander Piel
17:30 |
P 10.39 |
Multiple timestep plasma tree code — •Susanne Pfalzner
17:30 |
P 10.40 |
Proton Acceleration at X-points in Solar Flares — •K G McClements, A Thyagaraja, B Hamilton, and L Fletcher
17:30 |
P 10.41 |
Applications of a new kinetic exospheric model of the solar wind with a non-monotonic potential for the protons. — •Hervè Lamy, Viviane Pierrard, Milan Maksimovic, and Joseph Lemaire
17:30 |
P 10.42 |
Investigation of possibilities for plasma treatment of dental caries — •Raymond Sladek, Eva Stoffels, and Rick Walraven
17:30 |
P 10.43 |
Introducing PEPC—a Parallel Electrostatic Plasma Coulomb-solver — •Paul Gibbon
17:30 |
P 10.44 |
Time and space resolved EUV spectrometry and pinhole imaging on the Philips Hollow Cathode discharge — •Erik Kieft, Joost van der Mullen, Vadim Banine, and Gerrit Kroesen
17:30 |
P 10.45 |
Evolution of Si roughness in a Ar+/XeF2 beam etching experiment — •Alquin Stevens and Herman Beijerinck
17:30 |
P 10.46 |
Investigation of interactions between fluid metal surfaces and plasmas — •Jens Ränsch, Suk-Ho Hong, Johannes Berndt, and Jörg Winter
17:30 |
P 10.47 |
Deposition and characterization of polymerlike and hard a-C:H films — •Janine-Christina Schauer, Suk-Ho Hong, Johannes Berndt, and Jörg Winter