Aachen PK 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 16: Plasma Diagnostics
Donnerstag, 20. März 2003, 15:30–17:30, FO2
15:30 |
P 16.1 |
Spectroscopic investigations of high pressure discharge lamps for automotive applications — •Holger Schubert, Margarita Baeva, Matthias Born, Stefan Meier, Detlev Reiter, and Matthias Weiß
15:50 |
P 16.2 |
VUV-LIF measurements of rotationally and vibrationally excited hydrogen molecules — •Peter Vankan, Stephan Heil, Richard Engeln, and Daan Schram
16:10 |
P 16.3 |
On Spectroscopic Determination of the Dissociation Degree of Hydrogen in Arc Discharge — •A.V. Pipa, B.P. Lavrov, and J. Röpcke
16:30 |
P 16.4 |
The Hα minimum at the transition from a recombining to an ionizing plasma — •Uwe Wenzel and Dennis Schröder
16:50 |
P 16.5 |
Investigation of Xe 1s3 atoms in low pressure glow discharges by LAAS — •Rene Bussiahn
17:10 |
P 16.6 |
Optical Time Modulation Spectroscopy in RF-Discharges — •Uwe Czarnetzki and Viktor A. Kadetov