Aachen PK 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 3: Low Temperature Plasmas, Plasma Technology
Montag, 17. März 2003, 15:45–17:45, FO4
15:45 |
P 3.1 |
Charge transfer measurement of micro discharges in single-gap and cascaded discharge setups — •Thomas Lierfeld, Oliver Franken, Michael Heise, and Willi Neff
16:05 |
P 3.2 |
Spatial density distributions of atomic oxygen in an rf discharge — •S. Peters, B. Krames, A. Mengel, and J. Meichsner
16:25 |
P 3.3 |
Excimer radiation from microhollow cathode discharges in static gas — •Byung-Joon Lee, Isfried Petzenhauser, and Klaus Frank
16:45 |
P 3.4 |
Effective Plasma Bulk Boundary Conditions Derived from a Sheath Model — •Ralf Peter Brinkmann
17:05 |
P 3.5 |
Characterization of fs-laser-generated hot electrons by Cerenkov- and Szintillator radiationa — •Jürgen Stein, Jaroslav Kuba, Dieter Habs, and Ernst Fill
17:25 |
P 3.6 |
Plasma diffusion from a low pressure ECWR source — •Vasile Vartolomei, Hartmut Steffen, and Rainer Hippler