17:45 |
P 4.1 |
The Relativistic Filamentation Instability of Ultra-Intense Laser Light in a Plasma — •L. J. Hill and H. C. Barr
17:45 |
P 4.2 |
Equilibration of Nonideal Plasmas after Sudden Changes of the Interparticle Forces — •Michael S. Murillo, Dirk O. Gericke, Dietrich Kremp, Dirk Semkat, and Michael Bonitz
17:45 |
P 4.3 |
Theory of short-time spin relaxation of ultracold laser produced ions — •Michael Bonitz, Dirk Semkat, Dietrich Kremp, Michael S. Murillo, and Dirk O. Gericke
17:45 |
P 4.4 |
A numerical investigation of growing and branching discharge streamers — •Carolynne Montijn, Willem Hundsdorfer, Andrea Rocco, and Ute Ebert
17:45 |
P 4.5 |
Experimental study on ion-acoustic wave propagation in multi-component plasmas — •Albrecht Stark, Olaf Grulke, and Thomas Klinger
17:45 |
P 4.6 |
Scale separation of simulated and measured turbulence data by wavelet analysis — •Navid Mahdi-Zadeh, Mirko Ramisch, Carsten Lechte, and Ulrich Stroth
17:45 |
P 4.7 |
On the Chemical Reaction Kinetics of Molecular Plasmas Containing CH4 and N2 — •D. Loffhagen, F. Hempel, R. Röpcke, and P.B. Davies
17:45 |
P 4.8 |
Do hydrogenic Rydberg molecules contribute to the H−-formation in low temperature plasmas ? — •Thomas Mosbach and H.F. Döbele
17:45 |
P 4.9 |
Self-consistent modelling of a low-pressure He-Xe discharge — •Sergej Gortchakov, Hartmut Lange, Detlef Loffhagen, and Dirk Uhrlandt
17:45 |
P 4.10 |
Time-dependent gas density and temperature measurements in pulsed helicon discharges in argon — •B. Clarenbach, M. Krämer, B. Lorenz, S. Lützenkirchen, and N. Sadeghi
17:45 |
P 4.11 |
Analysis of several population densities in molecular hydrogen and their application for diagnostic purposes — •J. Günther, U. Fantz, and K. Behringer
17:45 |
P 4.12 |
Deposition of a-C:H-Films with an Expanding Surface Wave Plasma — •O. Stefanovic, J. Berndt, and J. Winter
17:45 |
P 4.13 |
Time Resolved Diagnostics and Electrical Simulation of Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) — •M. Shakhatre, A. Fateev, I. P. Vinogradov, and A. Lunk
17:45 |
P 4.14 |
Influence of temperature gradients on the O atom concentration in an oxygen rf–discharge — •A. Mengel, S. Peters, B. Krames, and J. Meichsner
17:45 |
P 4.15 |
Asymptotic Description of Penetration of the TEXTOR Dynamic Ergodic Divertor Field — •Sandy Schillebeeckx and David Faulconer
17:45 |
P 4.16 |
Reconstruction of TEXTOR iron-core MHD-equlibria — •Torsten Haberscheidt, Derek Harting, and Detlev Reiter
17:45 |
P 4.17 |
ECRH power deposition profile in ASDEX Upgrade — •Krassimir Kirov, Fritz Leuterer, Francois Ryter, and ASDEX Upgrade Team
17:45 |
P 4.18 |
Bernstein wave heating and current drive. — •Duncan McGregor, Alan Cairns Cairns, Chris Lashmore-Davies, and Abhay Ram
17:45 |
P 4.19 |
Self excitation of quasi-coherent modes in curved magnetic fields — •Franko Greiner, Dietmar Block, Alexander Piel, Kristoffer Rypdal, and Svetlana Ratynskaia
17:45 |
P 4.20 |
Excitation and Relaxation of C-Triplet State of Nitrogen in a N2/Ar dielectric barrier discharge — •Alexander Fateev, Igor Vinogradov, Mahmud Shakhatre, and Achim Lunk
17:45 |
P 4.21 |
Prospects and limitations of conditional averaging — •Dietmar Block and Alexander Piel
17:45 |
P 4.22 |
Fast data acquisition for fluctuation measurements in the plasma of TEXTOR — •O. Schmitz, U. Kruezi, B. Unterberg, B. Schweer, and Ph. Mertens
17:45 |
P 4.23 |
Development of the diagnostic neutral beam injector for Wendelstein 7-X — •A Kreter, J Baldzuhn, V I Davydenko, A A Ivanov, T Richert, B Schweer, and R Uhlemann
17:45 |
P 4.24 |
Plasma flow investigation in TOMAS toroidal device with Gundestrup probe — •Philippe Sicard, Andrey Litnovsky, and Claude Boucher
17:45 |
P 4.25 |
Comparison of the Doppler-broadened line profiles of the first Balmer line of Hydrogen and Deuterium at moderate static electric fields — •Volkmar Helbig, Daniel Esch, Sandra Herzog, and Li Zhou
17:45 |
P 4.26 |
Time resolved determination of the electron temperature in a Pseudospark discharge copper vapour plasma — •Jürgen Urban and Klaus Frank
17:45 |
P 4.27 |
Langmuir Probe Measurements in the WEGA Stellarator — •Kinga Horvath, Michael Laux, and Johann Lingertat
17:45 |
P 4.28 |
Investigating impurity transport in TEXTOR using wavelength selective soft x-ray tomography — •Maarten De Bock, Manfred von Hellermann, and Leonid Shmaenok
17:45 |
P 4.29 |
COMBINED ECE/REFLECTOMETRY IMAGING AT TEXTOR — •I.G.J. Classen, A.J.H. Donné, M.J. van der Pol, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann Jr., E. Mazzucato, T. Munsat, and H. Park
17:45 |
P 4.30 |
Time resolved 2D Doppler imaging of the W7-AS divertor plasma using a MOSS spectrometer — •Jinil Chung, Ralf Koenig, N. Ramasubramanian, Thomas Klinger, and John Howard
17:45 |
P 4.31 |
Double pulse Thomson scattering on TEXTOR — •Sanjeev Varshney, Rolie Barth, Ivo Classen, Hennie van der Meiden, Theo Oyevaar, Tony Donné, and Niek Lopes Cardozo
17:45 |
P 4.32 |
Plasma diagnostics on different discharge modes of a free-burning arc — •Gerrit Kühn, Jens Reiche, Andreas Knoche, Fred Könemann, and Manfred Kock
17:45 |
P 4.33 |
Investigation of diffuse dielectric barrier discharges in noble gases — •Ronny Brandenburg, Hans-Erich Wagner, David Trunec, and Peter Michel
17:45 |
P 4.34 |
Laser induced fluorescence measurements in a helicon plasma — •Albrecht Stark, Christian Franck, Olaf Grulke, and Thomas Klinger
17:45 |
P 4.35 |
New Determination of the Line Strength of the Methyl Radical using a Pulsed Discharge — •G.D. Stancu, P.B. Davies, and J. Röpcke
17:45 |
P 4.36 |
Matilda II - An experiment to study magnetized complex plasmas — •Björn Brede, Thomas Trottenberg, Markus Hirt, Dietmar Block, and Alexander Piel
17:45 |
P 4.37 |
Mode Spectra of Thermally Excited 2D Dust Coulomb Clusters — •Andre Melzer, Markus Klindworth, and Alexander Piel
17:45 |
P 4.38 |
Particle manipulation by electrostatic probes in complex plasmas under microgravity — •Markus Klindworth, André Melzer, and Alexander Piel
17:45 |
P 4.39 |
Delayed shielding of a test charge by a dusty plasma with dynamical grain charging — •Michael Raadu and Muhammad Shafiq
17:45 |
P 4.40 |
Improved quantum potentials for strongly correlated plasmas — •Alexei V. Filinov and Michael Bonitz
17:45 |
P 4.41 |
Instabilities of magnetized acrretion disk and jet — •Jan-Willem Blokland and Victor Land
17:45 |
P 4.42 |
Atomic Modelling of Non-Maxwellian Plasmas — •P. Bryans, M. Torney, R. Bingham, B.J. Kellet, and H.P. Summers
17:45 |
P 4.43 |
Modeling a capillary discharge with PLASIMO — •Bart Broks, Kurt Garloff, and Joost van der Mullen
17:45 |
P 4.44 |
Emission Characteristics of Laser Ablated Plasma Pulses from Complex Targets — •Shailendra Nath Srivastava and Klaus Rohr
17:45 |
P 4.45 |
Space resolved analysis of highly charged target ions accelerated by intense laser fields — •M. Schollmeier, F.B. Rosmej, O. Renner, E. Krousky, J. Wieser, J. Krasa, L. Laska, B. Kralikova, J. Skala, M. Bodnar, O.N. Rosmej, and D.H.H. Hoffmann
17:45 |
P 4.46 |
Laser -plasma produced relativistic electrons — •Stuart Mangles
17:45 |
P 4.47 |
Investigation of the spot and diffuse mode of the cathodic arc attachment — •Oliver Langenscheidt, Lars Dabringhausen, Marco Redwitz, Stefan Lichtenberg, and Jürgen Mentel
17:45 |
P 4.48 |
Silane injection into the TEXTOR edge plasma and modelling of its local transport — •Waldemar Gralla, Andreas Kirschner, Peter Wienhold, and Volker Philipps
17:45 |
P 4.49 |
DISCHARGE PLASMA CHANNELS — •Elena-Simona Toma, Pavel Antsiferov, Konstantin Koshelev, and Fred Bijkerk
17:45 |
P 4.50 |
Infrared Diode Laser Diagnostics of fluorocarbon molecular species in pulsed RF Discharge — •Konstantin Li, Onno Gabriel, and Jürgen Meichsner