Aachen PK 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 7: Plasma Diagnostics
Dienstag, 18. März 2003, 15:30–17:30, FO1
15:30 |
P 7.1 |
10 kHz Repetitive high spatial resolution TV Thomson scattering on the TEXTOR tokamak — •Hennie van der Meiden, Rolie Barth, Theo Oyevaar, Sanjeev Varshney, Tony Donné, Niek Lopes Cardozo, Chris Schuller, Michael Kantor, Denis Kouprienko, Wolfgang Biel, and Albrecht Pospieszczyk
15:50 |
P 7.2 |
Spectroscopic measurements of the species fractions of the diagnostic hydrogen beam at the tokamak TEXTOR — •C Busch, D Geskus, A Kreter, B Schweer, and R Uhlemann
16:10 |
P 7.3 |
A new MSE diagnostic setup in TEXTOR — •Katarzyna Jakubowska and Roger Jaspers
16:30 |
P 7.4 |
Modeling of soft x-ray spectra on TORE SUPRA and TEXTOR — •Oleksandr Marchuk, Allen Whiteford, Christel Fenzi-Bonizec, Guenter Bertschinger, Peter Platz, and Hugh Summers
16:50 |
P 7.5 |
Multichannel Two Color Interferometer for W7-X — •Thomas Bindemann, Matthias Hirsch, and Hans-Jürgen Hartfuß
17:10 |
P 7.6 |
Spatially Resolved Fast Swept Langmuir Probe Measurements at the Wendelstein 7-AS stellarator — •Martin Schubert and Michael Endler