Aachen PK 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 8: Magnetic Confinement
Dienstag, 18. März 2003, 15:30–17:30, FO2
15:30 |
P 8.1 |
Spatio-temporal behaviour of radiative instabilities in Wendelstein 7-AS stellarator — •Henning Thomsen and Ralf König
15:50 |
P 8.2 |
Numerical Simulations of Cold Pulse Experiments on RTP — •E. Min, H.j. de Blank, G.M.D. Hogeweij, A. Thyagaraja, and P.J. Knight
16:10 |
P 8.3 |
Efficiency of Electron Cyclotron Current Drive in Tokamak Plasma — •Esmaeil Farshi
16:30 |
P 8.4 |
A theoretical and experimental investigation of edge plasma rotation in TEXTOR. — •Michael Van Schoor, Stefan Jachmich, and Roger Weynants
16:50 |
P 8.5 |
E × B Velocity Measurements from Doppler Reflectometry — •Jasmine Schirmer, G.D. Conway, W. Suttrop, S. Klenge, H. Zohm, and ASDEX Upgrade Team
17:10 |
P 8.6 |
Modulated ECRH power deposition in ASDEX Upgrade — •Fritz Leuterer, Krassimir Kirov, Gregory Pereverzev, Francois Ryter, and ASDEX Upgrade Team