Dresden 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DF 4: Gl
äser Ib (gemeinsam FV DF/DY)
Dienstag, 25. März 2003, 10:15–12:45, HSZ/403
10:15 |
DF 4.1 |
Microscopic dynamics in binary oxide glasses — •Florian Kargl, Andreas Meyer, Anita Widmann, and Helmut Schober
10:30 |
DF 4.2 |
Higher organized dynamical cooperativity in the glass-transition regime: computer modelling for Ni0.5Zr0.5. — •H. Teichler
10:45 |
DF 4.3 |
Thermodynamic properties of the Si/B/N-system - a computer simulation study. — •Alexander Hannemann, J. Christian Schön, and Martin Jansen
11:00 |
DF 4.4 |
Beweglichkeit der Erdalkaliionen in Misch-Alkali-Erdalkali-Silikatgläsern — •Frank Natrup, Hartmut Bracht, Sevi Murugavel und Bernhard Roling
11:15 |
DF 4.5 |
The Mixed Alkali Effect in Sodium Silicates: Computer Simulation Studies — •Hans Knoth, Jürgen Horbach und Kurt Binder
11:30 |
DF 4.6 |
Complete identification of alkali sites in ion conducting glasses: a computer study — •Andreas Heuer, Magnus Kunow, and Heiko Lammert
11:45 |
DF 4.7 |
The structure and dynamics of binary silicate glasses and melts — Molecular dynamics simulations — •Anke Winkler, Jürgen Horbach, Walter Kob, and Kurt Binder
12:00 |
DF 4.8 |
New glass theory based on local structure analysis — •Hans König
12:15 |
DF 4.9 |
A real space renormalization group approach to spin glass dynamics — •Falk Scheffler, Hajime Yoshino, and Philipp Maaß
12:30 |
DF 4.10 |
Universality of Anomalous Excitations in Amorphous Solids — •Michael Schulz