14:30 |
DF 7.1 |
Nukleare Quadrupolresonanz und Spinrelaxationsraten an seltenen Erden — •Robert Klieber, Andreas Michalowski und Dieter Suter
14:30 |
DF 7.2 |
Temperaturabhängigkeit der Quadrupolwechselwirkung für 111-In in Saphir — •Jakob Penner und Reiner Vianden
14:30 |
DF 7.3 |
Dielectric resonance spectroscopy on ferroelectric polymers and internally charged, cellular polymers (No-dqferroelectretsNo-dq) — •Mario Dansachmüller, Harald Salhofer, Simona Bauer-Gogonea, and Siegfried Bauer
14:30 |
DF 7.4 |
Fine structure of the OH- stretching vibrational band in SrxBa1−xNb2O6 crystals — •C. David, A. Tunyagi, M. Ulex, M. Wöhlecke, K. Lengyel, and L. Kovács
14:30 |
DF 7.5 |
SrxBa1−xNb2O6 Crystals: Refractive Indices and Second Harmonic Generation — •A. Tunyagi, M. Ulex, R. Pankrath, and K. Betzler
14:30 |
DF 7.6 |
Electronic Structure of Sn2P2S6 — •A. Selinger, K. Kuepper, A.V. Postnikov, V. Caciuc, A. Ruediger, A.A. Grabar, Yu.M. Vysochanskii, and M. Neumann
14:30 |
DF 7.7 |
Lattice Relaxation in Sr2FeMoO6 Thin Films, investigated by HRTEM — •Leonore Wiehl, Gerhard Jakob, and Hermann Adrian
14:30 |
DF 7.8 |
Measuring and modeling of the polarization and electric field distribution of ceramic PZT-films — •W. Häßler, A. Sotnikov, J. Rödel, W. Kreher, S. Gebhardt, and A. Schönecker
14:30 |
DF 7.9 |
Dielectric properties of Fe-doped Ba x Sr 1−x TiO3 thin films on polycrystalline substrates at temperatures between -35 and +85 ∘ C — •Michael Lorenz, Holger Hochmuth, Martin Schallner, Roland Heidinger, Daniel Spemann, and Marius Grundmann
14:30 |
DF 7.10 |
Aperturlose Nahfeldmikroskopie an anisotropen dielektrischen Systemen — •Susanne Schneider, Stefan Grafström, Christian Loppacher, Ulrich Zerweck und Lukas Eng
14:30 |
DF 7.11 |
PFM Untersuchungen des Schaltverhaltens dünner BaTiO3-Filme — •Frank Schlaphof, Lukas Eng, Jürgen Schubert und Christoph Buchal
14:30 |
DF 7.12 |
Ferroelektrizität und anomale Leitfähigkeit epitaktischer BaTiO3-Dünnschichten auf leitfähigen SrRuO3-Schichten — •O. Trithaveesak, W. Zander, J. Schubert und Ch. Buchal
14:30 |
DF 7.13 |
Heteroepitaxial growth of barium titanate (BTO) thin films on pretextured electrodes — •Sebastian Dreyer, Karola Thiele, Carsten Herweg, Sibylle Sievers, Jörg Hoffmann, and Herbert C. Freyhardt
14:30 |
DF 7.14 |
Formation of epitaxial BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers grown on Nb-doped SrTiO3 (001) substrates — •Alina Visinoiu, Roland Scholz, Soma Chattopadhyay, Marin Alexe, Dietrich Hesse, and Ulrich Gösele
14:30 |
DF 7.15 |
Ferroelectric Properties of Mesoscopic Structures Prepared by Nanoimprint Lithography — •Catalin Harnagea, Marin Alexe, Dietrich Hesse und Ulrich Gösele
14:30 |
DF 7.16 |
Optimization of r.f. magnetron sputtered alumina films for gate insulators in organic field effect transistors — •Michael Voigt, Moritz Sokolowski, Lioudmila Knoth, Andrea Schmid, Marcel Schneider, and Eberhard Umbach
14:30 |
DF 7.17 |
Photoinduzierte Oberflächenstrukturen in einem organischen AZO – Glas — •Ansgar Draude, Nils Reinke, Thomas Fuhrmann, Roger Lessard und Hilmar Franke
14:30 |
DF 7.18 |
Preparation and Characterisation of PbTiO3 nanopowders from combined polymerisation and pyrolysis route — •Emre Erdem, Rolf Boettcher, Hans-Christoph Semmelhack, Hans-Juergen Glaesel, Eberhard Hartmann, and Dietmar Hirsch
14:30 |
DF 7.19 |
Impedance spectroscopy study of Li ion dynamics in microcrystalline, nanocrystalline and amorphous LiNbO3 — •Muayad Masoud and Paul Heitjans
14:30 |
DF 7.20 |
Untersuchungen zur F-Diffusion in nanokristallinem BaF 2 mit NMR-Relaxationszeit- und NMR-Linienform-Messungen — •Sylvio Indris und Paul Heitjans
14:30 |
DF 7.21 |
Kohlrausch-Verhalten durch Elektrodeneffekte in Polyethylenoxid — •Björn Martin, Achim Wagner und Herbert Kliem
14:30 |
DF 7.22 |
Optical Properties of Bismuth-Borate Glasses — •I. Oprea, H. Hesse, and K. Betzler
14:30 |
DF 7.23 |
Dielectric spectroscopy of SBA-15 and MCM-41 mesoporous molecular sieve materials — •Juras Banys, Jan Macutkevic, Andreas Poeppl, W Boehlmann, Georg Voelkel, and M Hartmann
14:30 |
DF 7.24 |
Dielectric properties of a DMAGaS/DMAAS mixed crystal — •Juras Banys, Georg Voelkel, R Boettcher, D Michel, and Z Czapla
14:30 |
DF 7.25 |
Dielectric dispersion and distribution of the relaxations times of the relaxor 0.4PSN-0.3PMN-0.3PZN ceramics — •Juras Banys, Jan Macutkevic, Algirdas Brilingas, Karlis Bormanis, Andris Sternberg, and Vismant Zauls
14:30 |
DF 7.26 |
The Low-Temperature Phase of Chromium Doped Dimethylammonium Gallium Sulfate Hexahydrate (DMAGaS) Studied by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance — •Georg Völkel, Rolf Böttcher, Dieter Michel, and Zbigniew Czapla