14:30 |
M 41.1 |
Melting behavior of Pb-Sn alloy nanoparticles — •Xiao-Jun Gu, Peter Bunzel, Harald Rösner, Jörg Weissmüller, and Gerhard Wilde
14:30 |
M 41.2 |
Does icosahedral short-range order exist in dense-random packing models for liquid metals? — •Sergei Korotkov, Helmut Hermann, Klaus Wetzig, Alexander Bezrukov, and Dietrich Stoyan
14:30 |
M 41.3 |
Orientation of Ni4Ti3 precipitates in uniaxial loaded NiTi single crystals — •Klaus Neuking, Alejandro Yawny, Mark Carroll, Jens Michutta, Christoph Somsen, and Gunther Eggeler
14:30 |
M 41.4 |
Precipitation Kinetics of Transition Metal Diboride-Based Materials — •E. R. Fotsing, H. Schmidt, G. Borchardt, C. Schmalzried, and R. Telle
14:30 |
M 41.5 |
Monte Carlo Simulation of Binary Alloys Including Elastic Relaxations — •Rolf Anders, Gururajan Mogadalai Pandurangan, and Ferdinand Haider
14:30 |
M 41.6 |
Electric quadrupole relaxation in substoichiometric dideuterides of hafnium and titanium — •Günter Majer, Jürgen Gottwald, and Richard G. Barnes
14:30 |
M 41.7 |
Extraction of boron from Fe80B20 ribbons by annealing under hydrogen flow — •Gabriela Saage, Stefan Roth, Jürgen Eckert, and Ludwig Schultz
14:30 |
M 41.8 |
Optische Eigenschaften von Yttrium und Yttriumhydriden zwischen 1 und 10 eV — •H. Schröter, A. Borgschulte, M. Broschwitz, U. Barkow und J. Schoenes
14:30 |
M 41.9 |
Low-temperature nuclear spin relaxation in Lanthanum hydrides — •Andreas Tinner, Stephan Leyer, Gerda Fischer, Elmar Dormann, and Richard Barnes
14:30 |
M 41.10 |
Wasserstoffordnung im System YHx (0 ≤ x ≤ 2,1) — •M. Rode, A.-M. Carsteanu, M. Marutzky, H. Schröter, A. Borgschulte, S. Weber, U. Barkow und J. Schoenes
14:30 |
M 41.11 |
Charakterisierung der Gasphasensinterung von Ni-Nanopartikeln — •Bernd Rellinghaus, Sergej Tsyganov, Thomas Kauffeldt und Jochen Kästner
14:30 |
M 41.12 |
Thermally induced Ag nanoparticle formation in ion-exchanged glass: Influence of the iron oxide content — •Kl.-D. Schicke, H. Hofmeister, and M. Dubiel
14:30 |
M 41.13 |
Hochenergiebestrahlung von nanokristallinem Nickel mit schweren Ionen — •Thomas Zumkley, Gerhard Schumacher und Siegfried Klaumünzer
14:30 |
M 41.14 |
Molekulardynamische Simulationen der Eisen-Nanopartikelentstehung — •Norbert Lümmen und Thomas Kraska
14:30 |
M 41.15 |
Corrosion products of disordered metallic Fe-based systems — •Katarina Sedlackova, Ferdinand Haider, Jozef Sitek, and Milan Seberini
14:30 |
M 41.16 |
Siliziumcarbidverteilungen in ungeschäumten und geschäumten Aluminiumlegierungen — •Astrid Haibel, Alexander Rack, Heinrich Riesemeier, Gerd Weidemann, Jürgen Goebbels und John Banhart
14:30 |
M 41.17 |
Untersuchung und Beeinflussung des Wachstumsprozesses von Metallschäumen — •Oliver Brunke und Stefan Odenbach
14:30 |
M 41.18 |
Finite Element Simulation of Carburization and Decarburization Processes — •Jürgen Gegner and Andreas Öchsner
14:30 |
M 41.19 |
Stochastic Modelling of Microscopic Particle Distributions — •Jürgen Gegner, Christoph Henninger, and Andreas Öchsner
14:30 |
M 41.20 |
Rhines-Pack Oxidation of Low-Alloyed Steel — •Jürgen Gegner
14:30 |
M 41.21 |
Die Wechselwirkung keramischer Partikel mit der dendritischen Erstarrungsfront metallischer Schmelzen — •Matthias Kolbe, Thomas Volkmann, Reinhard Röstel, Peter Galenko, Xiangrong Liu, Gunther Eggeler und Dieter M. Herlach
14:30 |
M 41.22 |
Chemical gradients of SC16 alloy after hydrostatic deformation — •Stefan Höring, Wolfgang Neumann, Nelia Wanderka, and Gerhard Schumacher
14:30 |
M 41.23 |
Formation and Properties of Cu47Ti33Zr11Ni8Si1 Metallic Glass Composite With Second Phase Cu Particles — •Shankar Venkataraman, Birgit Bartusch, Jürgen Eckert, Ludwig Schultz, and Dan Sordelet
14:30 |
M 41.24 |
Bruchverhalten von W-Drähten:-Einfluß von Umformgrad und Glühtemperatur auf den Spröd-Duktil-Übergang — •Sylvia Pannicke, Peter Schade und Peter Gumbsch
14:30 |
M 41.25 |
Plastic deformation of MoSi2 single crystals along ⟨ 110 ⟩ — •Christian Dietzsch, Martin Bartsch, and Ulrich Messerschmidt
14:30 |
M 41.26 |
Intense Plastic Deformation of Copper-Cobalt Alloys — •Stöcker Bernhard, Joshua Askin, and Ferdinand Haider
14:30 |
M 41.27 |
Untersuchung der chemischen Umgebung von Fehlstellen verformten technischen Aluminium-Legierungen mittels Positronenspektroskopie. — •Christiane Zamponi, Stefan Sonneberger, Ingo Müller, Matz Haaks, Torsten E.M. Staab, Karl Maier und Gerhard Tempus
14:30 |
M 41.28 |
Herstellung von hochfesten und hochleitfähigen Leitermaterialien für Hochfeldmagnete — •Alexandre Gaganov, Jens Freudenberger, Wolfgang Grünbeger und Ludwig Schultz
14:30 |
M 41.29 |
Close analytical expressions for the transport coefficients of icosahedral quasicrystals — •Carlos Landauro and Heinrich Solbrig
14:30 |
M 41.30 |
Microstructure, thermal stability and mechanical properties of a Zr-Nb-Cu-Ni-Al alloy wich were prepared by using different casting systems — •Nicolle Radtke, Jürgen Eckert, Uta Kühn, Valeria Porcarelli, and Ludwig Schultz
14:30 |
M 41.31 |
Oberflächenspannung und Benetzungsverhalten des Glasbildners Pd43Ni10Cu27P20 — •Jan Petersen, Bernd Damaschke und Konrad Samwer
14:30 |
M 41.32 |
Synthesis and Properties of Metal-reinforced Mg-based Bulk Metallic Glass Composites — •Birgit Bartusch, Shankar Venkataraman, Jürgen Eckert, and Ludwig Schultz
14:30 |
M 41.33 |
Glass-forming ability and crystallization behaviour of Zr-Ti-Cu-Ni-Al bulk amorphous alloys with different Ti contents — •Uta Kuehn, Norbert Mattern, Tanja Shapoval, and Juergen Eckert
14:30 |
M 41.34 |
Cold-rolling induced amorphization in binary metallic alloys — •Guru Prasad Dinda and Gerhard Wilde
14:30 |
M 41.35 |
Molekulardynamik-Simulation der lokalen Symmetrien in einfachen metallischen Flüssigkeiten — •Magnus Kreth, Ralf J. Meyer, Kai Kadau und Peter Entel
14:30 |
M 41.36 |
Tip splitting of Xenon Dendrites — •Oliver Wittwer and Jörg Bilgram
14:30 |
M 41.37 |
Initital oxidation stages in thin titanium films — •Sibylle Gemming, Michael Schreiber, and Igor Chaplygin
14:30 |
M 41.38 |
Defects at the Σ3(111) boundary in strontium titanate — •Sibylle Gemming and Michael Schreiber
14:30 |
M 41.39 |
In-situ Measurements of Grain Boundary Migration in Al Bicrystals — •V.A. Ivanov, D.A. Molodov, G. Gottstein, and L.S. Shvindlerman
14:30 |
M 41.40 |
Investigation of the Motion of a Connected Grain Boundary System with Triple Junction — •W. Sun, D. Mattissen, D.A. Molodov, G. Gottstein, and L.S. Shvindlerman
14:30 |
M 41.41 |
Experimental investigation of the hybridization between Cr and Pt — •D. Zur, A. Borgschulte, S. Weber, P.M. Oppeneer, and J. Schoenes
14:30 |
M 41.42 |
The Landauer magneto-conductance formula — •Assia Abdellaoui and Farid Benamira
14:30 |
M 41.43 |
Magnetic and electron-spin-resonance properties of nitridometalates(I) — •V.A. Ivanshin, R. Niewa, W. Schnelle, J. Sichelschmidt, and R. Kniep
14:30 |
M 41.44 |
Moentum transfer dependence of inelastic x-ray Raman scattering from the Be K-edge — •Martin Schenkel, C. Sternemann, A. Soininen, M. Paulus, H. Nagasawa, W. Schülke und M. Tolan