10:15 |
MA 12.1 |
Spin wave excitations by high resolution spin polarised electron energy loss spectroscopy on Fe/W(110) — •M. Etzkorn, P.S.A. Kumar, R. Vollmer, J. Kirschner, D. Bruchmann, and H. Ibach
10:30 |
MA 12.2 |
Magnetism in low dimensions: overlayers, wires and adatoms — •Marcus Heide, Gustav Bihlmayer, and Stefan Blügel
10:45 |
MA 12.3 |
Manganese induced magnetic interface states in the c(2×2) phases of Mn/Cu(001) and Mn/Au(001) — •Frederik Schiller, Samed V. Halilov, and Clemens Laubschat
11:00 |
MA 12.4 |
Interplay between magnetic and atomic structures of Mn3N2 surfaces — •Alexey Dick, Sixten Boeck, and Jörg Neugebauer
11:15 |
MA 12.5 |
Photoelectron diffraction in magnetic linear dichroism of Gd(0001) surface — •O. Krupin, S. Gorovikov, J. E. Prieto, G. Kaindl, and K. Starke
11:30 |
MA 12.6 |
Der Magnetismus von Co/Pt(001) im Submonolagenbereich — •Sabine Pütter, Jörn Hoyer und Hans Peter Oepen
11:45 |
MA 12.7 |
Growth, electronic structure and magnetism of Fe/W(100) — •Wulf Wulfhekel, Simona Bodea, and Jürgen Kirschner
12:00 |
MA 12.8 |
MSHG an magnetischen Schichten — •Jan Peter Podsiadly und Paul Fumagalli
12:15 |
MA 12.9 |
SRAPS on NiMnSb Heusler alloy: experiment and theory — •Hristo Kolev, Georgi Rangelov, Jürgen Braun, and Markus Donath
12:30 |
MA 12.10 |
Influence of correlation effects on the Fano effect in the VB-XPS of ferromagnetic Ni — •Ján Minár, L. Chioncel, C. de Nadai, H. Ebert, A. I. Lichtenstein, and N. Brookes
12:45 |
MA 12.11 |
On the origin of the fourth-order magnetic interface anisotropy in epitaxial films — •Günther Bayreuther, Martin Dumm, Brigitte Uhl, Roland Meier, and Wolfgang Kipferl
13:00 |
MA 12.12 |
Symmetry Independence of Magnetic Hyperfine Fields — •Kay Potzger, Mark Prandolini, Yurij Manzhur, Andreas Weber, Hartmut H. Bertschat und Marc Dietrich