15:15 |
MA 18.1 |
Ab-initio investigation of the damping of the ultrafast spin dynamics in low-dimensional magnets — •Daniel Steiauf, Claude Ederer, and Manfred Fähnle
15:30 |
MA 18.2 |
Ultrafast demagnetization in Ni: Theory of magneto-optics for non-equilibrium electron distributions — •Peter M. Oppeneer and Ansgar Liebsch
15:45 |
MA 18.3 |
Spinwaves in magnetic double layers with strong antiferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling: theory and experiment — •Matthias Buchmeier, B. K. Kuanr, R. R. Gareev, D. E. Bürgler, and P. Grünberg
16:00 |
MA 18.4 |
Time-resolved study of magnetic domain reversal using photoelectron emission microscopy — •K. Fukumoto, W. Kuch, M. Bonfim, J. Vogel, J. Camarero, F. Offi, Y. Pennec, A. Fontaine, S. Pizzini, and J. Kirschner
16:15 |
MA 18.5 |
Magnetization Dynamics of Ferromagnetic thin films — •Andreas Neudert, Jeffrey McCord, Rudolf Schäfer, and Ludwig Schultz
16:30 |
MA 18.6 |
Longitudinal spin fluctuations in the antiferromagnet MnF2 studied by polarized neutron scattering — •Werner Schweika, S.V. Maleyev, Th. Brückel, V. Plakhty, and L.-P. Regnault
16:45 |
MA 18.7 |
Imaging spin dynamics in ferromagnetic elements with soft X-ray transmission microscopy — •A. Puzic, H. Stoll, P. Fischer, J. Raabe, G. Denbeaux, D. Weiss, and G. Schütz
17:00 |
MA 18.8 |
Stark lokalisierte Spinwellenmoden an Rändern kleiner magnetischer Elemente — •Christian Bayer, Sergej O. Demokritov, Burkard Hillebrands und Andrei N. Slavin
17:15 |
MA 18.9 |
Localized reversal modes in Nickel nanowires — •Riccardo Hertel and Jürgen Kirschner
17:30 |
MA 18.10 |
Untersuchung der Ferromagnetischen Resonanz in magnetischen Mikrostrukturen mit einem Netzwerkanalysator — •Ingo Neudecker und Christian H. Back
17:45 |
MA 18.11 |
Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in thin iron films: phonon and magnon contributions in the time-resolved MOKE — •P. Guderian, T. Kampfrath, M. M*nzenberg, R. G. Ulbrich, B. Sass, F. Leuenberger, W. Felsch und J. S. Moodera
18:00 |
MA 18.12 |
Coupled Coherent Phonons and Magnons by Resonant Excitation of the Exchange Split Surface State of Gd(0001) — •Ilie Radu, Alexey Melnikov, Uwe Bovensiepen, Oleg Krupin, Kai Starke, Eckart Matthias, and Martin Wolf
18:15 |
MA 18.13 |
Phase Control of Parametric Amplification of Spin Wave Packets — •Alexander A. Serga, Sergej O. Demokritov, Seong-Gi Seong-Gi Min, Burkard Hillebrands, and Andrei N. Slavin
18:30 |
MA 18.14 |
Dynamic behavior of magneto-couplers — •Stefan Ganzer, Günther Bayreuther, Jens Hauch, and Gotthard Rieger