Dresden 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MA 22: Magnetische dünne Schichten III
Donnerstag, 27. März 2003, 10:15–13:00, HSZ/04
10:15 |
MA 22.1 |
Probing electron confinement in ultrathin metal films: from spin-polarized quantum-well states to surface resonance — •Markus Donath and Dehong Yu
10:30 |
MA 22.2 |
Spin-polarized unoccupied quantum-well states in ultrathin films of Co on Cu(100) — •Dehong Yu, Markus Donath, Jürgen Braun, and Georgi Rangelov
10:45 |
MA 22.3 |
The strain effects on the physical properties of La0.9Sr0.1MnO3 ultra-thin films — •Hui Zhang, Georg Cristiani, and Hanns-Ulrich Habermeier
11:00 |
MA 22.4 |
Phase diagram of the electron doped manganite La1−xCexMnO3 — •Steffen Wirth, Pratap Raychaudhuri, Ajay Thakur, Peter Mann, and Chiranjib Mitra
11:15 |
MA 22.5 |
Local Electronic Properties of Manganite Films Studied by STM/STS under Ambient Conditions — •Yunhui Xu, Pintu Das, Jiandong Wei, M. R. Koblischka, and Uwe Hartmann
11:30 |
MA 22.6 |
Domänenbeobachtung am Spin-Reorientierungsübergang von ultradünnen Fe/Ni/Cu(100)-Filmen mittels SPLEEM — •Robert Ramchal, Andreas Schmid, Michael Farle und Helmut Poppa
11:45 |
MA 22.7 |
SP-STM study of 360∘ domain walls in an external magnetic field — •Andre Kubetzka, Oswald Pietzsch, Matthias Bode, Stefan Krause, and Roland Wiesendanger
12:00 |
MA 22.8 |
Korrelation von morphologischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften von Fe/Cr(001): Untersuchung mittels SP-STS/STM — •R. Ravlić, M. Bode und R. Wiesendanger
12:15 |
MA 22.9 |
Electronic structure of thin films of Cr(110) — •Serguei Molodtsov, Frederik Schiller, Denis Vyalikh, Vito Servedio, and Clemens Laubschat
12:30 |
MA 22.10 |
Photoemission study of short- and long-range magnetic oscillations in Cr/Fe(100) and Cr/W(100) — •Denis Vyalikh, Manuel Richter, and Serguei Molodtsov
12:45 |
MA 22.11 |
Preparation of thin films of UH3, and their magnetic and magneto-optical properties — •D. Kolberg, R. Eloirdi, F. Wastin, T. Gouder, and J. Schoenes