15:15 |
MA 26.1 |
Relativistic effects on the electronic structure of solids — •Ingo Opahle, Ulrike Nitzsche, Manuel Richter, Klaus Koepernik, and Helmut Eschrig
15:30 |
MA 26.2 |
A first principles approach to strongly correlated systems – combinig the GW method and dynamical mean field theory — •Silke Biermann, Ferdi Aryasetiawan, and Antoine Georges
15:45 |
MA 26.3 |
LMTO Green Function approach for the ab initio calculation of the optical and magnetooptical properties of solids. — •Stanislav Chadov, Alexander Perlov, and Hubert Ebert
16:00 |
MA 26.4 |
Implementation of the LDA+U scheme within the KKR-bandstructure method — •Hubert Ebert and Alexander Perlov
16:15 |
MA 26.5 |
Theoretical investigation on the magnetic and spectroscopic properties of free Fe clusters — •Hubert Ebert and Ondrej Sipr
16:30 |
MA 26.6 |
Lineshape and Relaxation Studies on Mn12ac — •Suriyakan Vongtragool, Boris Gorshunov, Martin Dressel, and Alexandra Mukhin
16:45 |
MA 26.7 |
Electronic Structure and Magnetostriction in Bulk Gadolinium — •Ulrike Nitzsche, Manuel Richter, Igor Chaplygin, Klaus Koepernik, Ingo Opahle, and Helmut Eschrig
17:00 |
MA 26.8 |
First principles studies of the magnetic ground state of bcc Eu — •Gustav Bihlmayer, Philipp Kurz, Stefan Blügel, Ilja Turek, and Josef Kudrnovský
17:15 |
MA 26.9 |
Messung des magnetischen Verhaltens von 147Eu und 149Eu in Platin und Cer — •W.-D. Zeitz, H.H. Bertschat, M. Dietrich, K. Potzger, S. Unterricker, U. Vetter, A. Weber und die ISOLDE Kollaboration
17:30 |
MA 26.10 |
Anisotropic Bonding and Unconventional Metallic Magnetism in LaCrSb3 — •Manuel Richter, Jan Rusz, Helge Rosner, Klaus Koepernik, Ingo Opahle, Ulrike Nitzsche, and Helmut Eschrig
17:45 |
MA 26.11 |
Electronic and magnetic properties of ferromagnet/semiconductor interfaces — •Michal Košuth, Voicu Popescu, Hubert Ebert, Rudolf Zeller, and Peter.H. Dederichs