Dresden 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MA 30: Spinabh
ängige Transportph
änomene II
Freitag, 28. März 2003, 10:45–13:00, HSZ/401
10:45 |
MA 30.1 |
Antiferromagnetically coupled Spin Valves with Spacer Layer Thickness down to 1nm — •Tobias Hempel, Inga Ennen, Andreas Hütten, and Günter Reiss
11:00 |
MA 30.2 |
Degradation of CoFe / Cu multilayers — •Jörg Ebert, Mohammad Ghafari, Branko Stahl, and Horst Hahn
11:15 |
MA 30.3 |
Relativistic Effects in the Transport Properties of Ferromagnetic-Semiconductor-Ferromagnetic (FM/SC/FM) Trilayer Systems — •V. Popescu, H. Ebert, N. Papanikolaou, R. Zeller, and P. H. Dederichs
11:30 |
MA 30.4 |
Spin-filter effect in metallic nanowires — •P. Zahn, N. Papanikolaou, J. Opitz, and I. Mertig
11:45 |
MA 30.5 |
Stability and transport of nanocontacts: Ab initio description — •Ingrid Mertig, Alexej Bagrets, Nikos Papanikolaou, Michael Czerner, Valeri Stepanyuk, Artjom Baranov, Andrej Klavsyuk, and Wolfram Hergert
12:00 |
MA 30.6 |
Spin motion in electron transmission through ultrathin magnetic films: Access by photoelectron spectroscopy — •Jürgen Henk, Peter Bose, Thomas Michael, and Patrick Bruno
12:15 |
MA 30.7 |
LOW-FIELD TRANSVERSE MAGNETOVOLTAGE in MANGANITE FILMS — •Vasily Moshnyaga, Sigrun A. Koester, Bernd Damaschke, Reinhard Tidecks, and Konrad Samwer
12:30 |
MA 30.8 |
Intergrain magnetoresistance and resistance relaxation of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 in pulsed magnetic fields up to 50 T — •N. Kozlova, K. Dörr, D. Eckert, A. Handstein, Y. Skourski, T. Walter, K.-H. Müller, and L. Schultz
12:45 |
MA 30.9 |
Effects of Magnetic Ordering in Lanthanides on the Optical Conductivity in the Far- and Mid-Infrared Spectral Range — •Peter Weber and Martin Dressel