10:15 |
MA 3.1 |
X-ray spectroscopy of magnetic oxides — •L. H. Tjeng, Di-Jing Huang, N. B. Brookes, G. Ghiringhelli, P. G. Steeneken, G. A. Sawatzky, and C. T. Chen
10:30 |
MA 3.2 |
Complementary X-ray and neutron scattering from lightly doped La1−xSrxMnO3 — •Y. Su, K. Istomin, W. Schweika, A. Fattah, P. Foucart, P. Meuffels, D. Wermeille, D. Hupfeld, O. Seeck, and Th. Brückel
10:45 |
MA 3.3 |
Local Texture and Magnetisation Processes in Nd-Fe-B Magnets with Maximized Energy Density — •Kirill Khlopkov, Oliver Gutfleisch, Boris Wall, Werner Rodewald, Dieter Eckert, Dietrich Hinz, Karl-Hartmut Müller, and Ludwig Schulz
11:00 |
MA 3.4 |
Room-temperature MFM studies on a polycrystalline bulk-perovskite manganite — •Pintu Das, Yunhui Xu, M. R. Koblischka und U. Hartmann
11:15 |
MA 3.5 |
Corrosion Behaviour of RE-Fe-B-based Bonded Magnets — •Mihaela Rada, Anke Kirchner, Annett Gebert, Kirrill Khlopkov, Oliver Gutfleisch, and Ludwig Schultz
11:30 |
MA 3.6 |
Magnetic shape memory effect in Ni-Mn-Ga and Ni-Mn-Al — •Mehmet Acet, Eyüp Duman, Eberhard F. Wassermann, Llouis Mañosa, and Antoni Planes
11:45 |
MA 3.7 |
Magnetic properties of melt spun ribbons of DyMnGeFe5Al5 — •Peter Kerschl, Bogdan Idzikowski, Ulrich K. Rößler, Konstantin Nenkov, Dieter Eckert, Karl-Hartmut Müller, and Ludwig Schultz
12:00 |
MA 3.8 |
Influence of Low Temperature Magnetic Phase Transitions on the Properties of (Nd,Pr,Dy)-(Fe,Co)-B Magnets — •Julia Lyubina, Axel Handstein, Oliver Gutfleisch, Dietrich Hinz, Manfred Wolf, Konstantin Nenkov, Dieter Eckert, Karl-Hartmut Müller, and Ludwig Schultz
12:15 |
MA 3.9 |
HRTEM-studies of grain boundaries in die-upset Nd-Fe-Co-Ga-B magnets — •Anke Kirchner, Anke Kirchner, Jürgen Thomas, Oliver Gutfleisch, Dietrich Hinz, Karl-Hartmut Müller, Ludwig Schultz, Jürgen Thomas, Oliver Gutfleisch, Dietrich Hinz, Karl-Hartmut Müller, and Ludwig Schultz
12:30 |
MA 3.10 |
Einfluss der Mikrostruktur und Mikrochemie auf die magnetischen Eigenschaften von rasch erstarrten Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr)z-Magneten — •Axel Handstein, Aru Yan, Oliver Gutfleisch, Thomas Gemming und Karl-Hartmut Müller
12:45 |
MA 3.11 |
Magnetic Properties of Undercooled Co and Co-Au Alloy Melts — •Sven Reutzel and Dieter M. Herlach