15:15 |
MA 7.1 |
Spin waves in diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum wells — •Diego Frustaglia, Jürgen König, and Allan H. MacDonald
15:30 |
MA 7.2 |
Curie temperatures and exchange mechanisms in diluted magnetic semiconductors — •Kazunori Sato, Peter Dederichs, Hiroshi Katayama-Yoshida, and Josef Kudrnovsky
15:45 |
MA 7.3 |
Giant Zeeman splitting and interatomic exchange interactions in diluted II-VI semiconductors. — •Leonid Sandratskii and Patrick Bruno
16:00 |
MA 7.4 |
Exchange interactions in diluted magnetic semiconductors — •Josef KUDRNOVSKY, Ilja TUREK, Vaclav DRCHAL, Patrick BRUNO, and Peter WEINBERGER
16:15 |
MA 7.5 |
Electronic structure, exchange interactions and Curie temperature in diluted III-V magnetic semiconductors: (GaCr)As, (GaMn)As, (GaFe)As. — •Leonid Sandratskii and Patrick Bruno
16:30 |
MA 7.6 |
Spin Relaxation in InGaAs Heterostructures — •Lars Schreiber, Thomas Rohleder, Marcus Heidkamp, Bernd Beschoten, Gernot Güntherodt, and R. Hey
16:45 |
MA 7.7 |
Atomic, electronic, and magnetic structures of Mn/Si(100) films – a first-principles study — •Hua Wu, Mahbube Hortamani, Peter Kratzer, and Matthias Scheffler
17:00 |
MA 7.8 |
Hohe Spinpolarisation an der Fe/InAs(110) Grenzfläche — •Lilli Sacharow, Markus Morgenstern, Gustav Bihlmayer, Stefan Blügel und Roland Wiesendanger
17:15 |
MA 7.9 |
Spin dephasing across the metal-insulator transition in n-GaAs — •T. Rohleder, M. Heidkamp, A. Oulmqadem, A. Tillmanns, B. Beschoten, and G. Güntherodt
17:30 |
MA 7.10 |
Magnetische und elektrische Charakterisierung von Ni2MnIn-Filmen auf Silizium und Indiumarsenid. — •Malte Kurfiß, Sebastian von Oehsen, Christian Pels, Guido Meier, Rainer Anton und Ulrich Merkt
17:45 |
MA 7.11 |
Current correlations in magnetotransport — •Wolfgang Belzig, Malek Zareyan, Audrey Cottet, and Christoph Bruder
18:00 |
MA 7.12 |
Origin of spin polarization in spin polarized tunneling experiments? — •Markus Münzenberg and Jagadeesh Moodera
18:15 |
MA 7.13 |
Logikgatter auf der Basis von magnetischen sub-mikrometer Tunnelelementen — •Dirk Meyners, Hubert Brückl und Günter Reiss
18:30 |
MA 7.14 |
Lokale Hall-Effekt-Messungen an ferromagnetischen Mikrostrukturen — •N. Thillosen, V. A. Guzenko, Th. Schäpers, J. Knobbe und A. van der Hart
18:45 |
MA 7.15 |
Magnetic properties of Mn and Cr implanted GaN layers — •V.A. Guzenko, N. Thillosen, Th. Schäpers, N. Kaluza, and A. Dahmen