18:00 |
O 12.1 |
On the thermodynamic stability of PdO-surfaces — •J. Rogal, K. Reuter, and M. Scheffler
18:00 |
O 12.2 |
High Energy Quantum Reflection as a New Method for Surface Science — •Viola Druzhinina and Maarten DeKieviet
18:00 |
O 12.3 |
The surface structure of Re (10-10) revisited — •Christian Pauls, Sebastian Schwede, Rainer Kickbusch, and Klaus Christmann
18:00 |
O 12.4 |
Landslide, island coarsening and equilibrium shape: STM studies of islands on Pt(111) and Cu(100) — •Julian Ikonomov, Kirilka Starbova, and Margret Giesen
18:00 |
O 12.5 |
Energies, bands and STM images of Ge and Si (113) surfaces: Ab initio studies — •Andrey Stekolnikov, Jürgen Furthmüller, and Friedhelm Bechstedt
18:00 |
O 12.6 |
Surface XPCS measurements of water-glycerol mixtures — •Michael Sprung, Robert Fendt, Christian Gutt, Metin Tolan, Anders Madsen, and Tilo Seydel
18:00 |
O 12.7 |
Following adsorption kinetics at electrolyte/metal interfaces through crystal truncation scattering: Sulfur on Au(111) — •Frank Renner, Jose Martin-Gago, C. Vericat, M.E. Vela, G.A. Andreasen, R.C. Salvarezza, F. Borgatti, R. Felici, T.L. Lee, and Jörg Zegenhagen
18:00 |
O 12.8 |
In situ FTIR spectroscopy of organic adsorbates on a Pd(111)-electrode — •Katrin Brandt, Elisabeth Vogler, and Klaus Wandelt
18:00 |
O 12.9 |
ECSTM-Untersuchungen der Adsorption von Dibenzylviologen-Kationen — •Caroline Safarowsky, Peter Broekmann und Klaus Wandelt
18:00 |
O 12.10 |
In-situ-STM-Untersuchung der atomaren Struktur einer Cu(111)-Elektrode in pH-neutralen Elektrolyten — •Daniel Friebel, Peter Broekmann und Klaus Wandelt
18:00 |
O 12.11 |
X-ray reflectivity of ultra thin liquid films — •Robert Fendt, Christian Gutt, Michael Sprung, Tuana Ghaderi, Metin Tolan, and Oliver Seeck
18:00 |
O 12.12 |
Phasenverhalten von spezifisch adsorbierten Iodid-Anionen auf einer Cu(100) Oberfläche - eine in situ STM-Studie — •Alexander Hommes, Alexander Spänig, Peter Broekmann und Klaus Wandelt
18:00 |
O 12.13 |
Spitzeninduzierte Nanostrukturierung von Einkristalloberflächen — •Helmut Baltruschat, Michael Nielinger, Xiaoyin Xiao und Peter Berenz
18:00 |
O 12.14 |
Time-resolved Photoemission Electron Microscopy : Nanoscale Spectroscopy with Femtosecond Resolution — •Michael Bauer, Carsten Wiemann, Oleksiy Andreyev, Martin Aeschlimann, Oliver Schmidt, and Gerd Schönhense
18:00 |
O 12.15 |
Selbstorganisation von Kupfer-Nanostrukturen auf strukturlosen Oberflächen — •Rainer Kunz und Rainer Adelung
18:00 |
O 12.16 |
Herstellung regelmäßig angeordneter Diamant-Feldemitter unter Ausnutzung von Gold-Nanomasken — •O. Pursche, F. Weigl, A. Plettl, Ch. Dietrich, B. Koslowski, G. Kästle, H.-G. Boyen, P. Ziemann, S. Riethmüller, Ch. Hartmann und M. Möller
18:00 |
O 12.17 |
Nanolithography via color centers on insulating thin films — •Volkmar Zielasek, Svend Vagt, and Herbert Pfnür
18:00 |
O 12.18 |
Structure and magnetic properties of nanocontacts — •A.L. Klavsyuk, V.S. Stepanyuk, P. Bruno, A.N. Baranov, W. Hergert, and I. Mertig
18:00 |
O 12.19 |
Scanning force microscopy/spectroscopy studies of single wall carbon nanotubes including defects — •Makoto Ashino, Theophilos Maltezopoulos, Alexander Schwarz, Serge G. Lemay, Cees Dekker, and Roland Wiesendanger
18:00 |
O 12.20 |
Heterogeneous nucleation and growth of metal nanoparticles on WSe2 and WS2 — •Jörg Zimmermann, Alexander C. Müller, Laurent Helden, Johannes Boneberg, and Paul Leiderer
18:00 |
O 12.21 |
XPS and STM-Study of Purification Methods for Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes — •R. Graupner, A. Vencelová, L. Ley, J. Abraham, and A. Hirsch
18:00 |
O 12.22 |
Rasterkraftmikroskopische Herstellung von Einzelelektronen-Systemen — •Hans Clemens, Quoc Thai Do und Axel Lorke
18:00 |
O 12.23 |
Combined density-functional and tight-binding approach to vicinal GaAs and InAs surfaces — •Dengke Yu, Peter Kratzer, and Matthias Scheffler
18:00 |
O 12.24 |
Multi Stable Switching of a Single Molecule — •Stefan Griessl, Markus Lackinger, Michael Hietschold, and Wolfgang Heckl
18:00 |
O 12.25 |
Herstellung und optische Eigenschaften von Siliziumnanoteilchen auf Quarzsubstraten — •A. Wojtas-Hudy, F. Hubenthal und F. Träger
18:00 |
O 12.26 |
Einfluss der reduzierten Dimension auf die Elektronendynamik von Oberflächen-Plasmon-Polaritonen in Gold-Nanoteilchen — •F. Hubenthal, T. Ziegler, C. Hendrich und F. Träger
18:00 |
O 12.27 |
Anwendung metallischer Nanoteilchen in der konfokalen Laser-Scanning Mikroskopie — •N. Borg, M. Alschinger, M. Maniak, F. Hubenthal und F. Träger
18:00 |
O 12.28 |
Self-assembly of nano-colloidal gold films, characterized with AFM and spectroscopic ellipsometry — •Herbert Wormeester, Stefan Kooij, Martijn Brouwer, Arend van Silfhout, and Bene Poelsema
18:00 |
O 12.29 |
Grenzflächen leitender Oxide — •Frank Säuberlich und Andreas Klein
18:00 |
O 12.30 |
Investigation of the interface between SiO2 and 4H-SiC(0001) by angle-scanned photoelectron diffraction — •Mark Schürmann, Stefan Dreiner, Ulf Berges, and Carsten Westphal
18:00 |
O 12.31 |
The adsorption of Barium on Si(100) studied with LEED and XRD — •Nicole Jeutter, Alexander Hirnet, and Wolfgang Moritz
18:00 |
O 12.32 |
Ab-Initio-Investigations of Fe|ZnSe(001) as an Example for Ferromagnet-Semiconductor-Interfaces — •Harald Dobler and Dieter Strauch
18:00 |
O 12.33 |
Surface morphology of three-dimensional Si islands on Si(001) surfaces — •Alexander Shklyaev and Volkmar Zielasek
18:00 |
O 12.34 |
Investigation of the SiO2/Si(100) interface by angle-scanned photoelectron diffraction — •Stefan Dreiner, Mark Schürmann, Martin Krause, Carsten Westphal, and H e
18:00 |
O 12.35 |
SPA–LEED and AFM investigations about the morphology of Silicon On Insulator — •M. Czubanowski, C. Tegenkamp, and H. Pfnür
18:00 |
O 12.36 |
Depth Profiling of Ultrathin Oxynitride Layers Using Synchrotron Radiation — •Patrick Hoffmann and Dieter Schmeißer
18:00 |
O 12.37 |
Laser assisted field emission from tungsten field emitter tips — •Sven Schramm, Johannes Schneider, and Walter Pfeiffer
18:00 |
O 12.38 |
Theoretical models for the transfer of image-state electrons through Ar spacer layers — •W. Berthold, U. Höfer, P. Feulner, C. Marinica, A. Borisov, J.-P. Gauyacq, M. Machado, E. Chulkov, and P. Echenique
18:00 |
O 12.39 |
Aperturlose Nahfeldmikroskopie an anisotropen dielektrischen Systemen — •Susanne Schneider, Stefan Grafström, Christian Loppacher, Ulrich Zerweck und Lukas Eng
18:00 |
O 12.40 |
Dissipation measurements on metal surfaces using non-contact AFM — •Domenique Weiner, Andre Schirmeisen, and Harald Fuchs
18:00 |
O 12.41 |
Hochgeschwindigkeits-Rasterkapazitätsspektroskopie an Halbleitermikrostrukturen - Lokalisierung von pn-Übergängen — •Martin von Sprekelsen, Johannes Isenbart und Roland Wiesendanger
18:00 |
O 12.42 |
Surface Plasmon Propagation In Structured Metal Films — •Jan Seidel, Stefan Grafström, Lothar Bischoff, and Lukas M. Eng
18:00 |
O 12.43 |
18:00 |
O 12.44 |
Formation mechanisms of decagonal and orthorhombic layers on icosahedral quasicrystals — •Mariya Yurechko, Philipp Ebert, Benjamin Grushko, and Knut Urban
18:00 |
O 12.45 |
Development of a differential AFM for stress-strain measurements — •Nicola Maghelli, Othmar Marti, and Sabine Hild
18:00 |
O 12.46 |
Eine UHV-Rastertunnelmikroskopieanlage für Messungen bei 300 mK und 14 T — •Focko Meier, Andre Wachowiak, Jens Wiebe, Daniel Haude, Markus Morgenstern und Roland Wiesendanger
18:00 |
O 12.47 |
Abbildung von atomaren p- d- und f- Zuständen mit dynamischer Rastertunnelmikroskopie (STM) — •M. Herz, F. J. Giessibl und J. Mannhart
18:00 |
O 12.48 |
Aufbau eines UHV-SPSTM für Untersuchungen bei variablen Temperaturen — •Torben Hänke, Stefan Krause, Matthias Bode und Roland Wiesendanger
18:00 |
O 12.49 |
Atomic scale imaging and electronic structure of the MoO2 (100)-surface — •Judith Moosburger-Will, Matthias Klemm, Philip Hofmann, and Siegfried Horn
18:00 |
O 12.50 |
The Dynamic Surface Modification Technique - Manipulation of Nanostructures and Study of Friction by means of a homebuilt Scanning Force Microscope — •Claudia Ritter, Markus Heyde, and Klaus Rademann
18:00 |
O 12.51 |
Entwicklung eines UHV-Tieftemperatur-Rasterkraft-/Tunnel-Mikroskops — •Michael Vogelgesang, Ralf Vogelgesang, Wolfgang Stiepany, Lars Diekhöner, M. Alexander Schneider und Klaus Kern
18:00 |
O 12.52 |
Optical characterization of planar nanoparticles produced using self-assembled layers of colloids — •Manuel Gonçalves and Othmar Marti
18:00 |
O 12.53 |
Molekulare Auflösung von PTCDA Multilagen mit dem non-contact AFM — •Daniel Braun, Andre Schirmeisen und Harald Fuchs
18:00 |
O 12.54 |
Integration of an electron-source into an AFM-probe — •M. Schäfer, H. Fuchs, C. Lehrer, L. Frey, T. Sulzbach, V. Bürschinger, and S. Gunst
18:00 |
O 12.55 |
Time- and Angle-Resolved Electron Detectors for Experiments with Combined Laser- and Synchrotron Radiation — •Tatjana Giessel, David Br"ocker, Philipp Schmidt, and Wolf Widdra
18:00 |
O 12.56 |
Experimental requirements for β-NMR measurements on surfaces — •O. Kühlert, C. Bromberger, R. Schillinger, H. J. Jänsch, and D. Fick
18:00 |
O 12.57 |
FT-IR Synchrotron Ellipsometrie für die Untersuchung kleiner anisotroper Proben — •M Gensch, K Hinrichs, U Schade, N Esser, A Röseler und E.H. Korte
18:00 |
O 12.58 |
Focusing and imaging with photon sieves — •M. Kalläne, S. Harm, M. Skibowski, R. L. Johnson, R. Seemann, and L. Kipp
18:00 |
O 12.59 |
Spectroscopy of the Electron-Electron Interaction in Solids — •Natasha Fominykh, Jürgen Henk, Jamal Berakdar, and Patrick Bruno
18:00 |
O 12.60 |
A Time-of-Flight Electron Energy Loss Spectrometer — •Bruno Gompf, Christian Peineke, and Martin Dressel
18:00 |
O 12.61 |
Synchrotron Photoemission Spectroscopy Study of GaAs (100) Surface Etched with Aqueous Ammonia Solution — •Mikhail Lebedev, David Ensling, Ralf Hunger, Thomas Meyer, and Wolfram Jaegermann
18:00 |
O 12.62 |
Cleaning of semiconductor surfaces by low energy hydrogen broad ion beam at low substrate temperatures — •Nasser Razek, Thomas Chasse, and Axel Schindler
18:00 |
O 12.63 |
Deposition of Ti clusters on Si Substrate using DC magnetron sputtering — •Ibrahimkutty Shyjumon, Manesh Gopinathan, Rainer Hippler, and Christiane A. Helm
18:00 |
O 12.64 |
Atomar aufgelöste Messung der Austrittsarbeit mit dynamischer Rastertunnelmikroskopie — •Ch. Schiller, M. Herz, S. Hembacher, F. J. Giessibl und J. Mannhart