14:30 |
O 24.1 |
Geometric and electronic structure of epitaxial PbS on TiS2 — •Alf Kamenz, Rainer Kunz, Julia Brandt, Lutz Kipp und Michael Skibowski
14:30 |
O 24.2 |
Theoretische Untersuchung der Adsorption und Oberflächendiffusion eines CaF2-Moleküls auf der (111)-Oberfläche von CaF2 — •Heinz Dabringhaus und Klaus Wandelt
14:30 |
O 24.3 |
High temperature growth of CaF2 on Si(111) substrates — •C.R. Wang, B.H. Müller, K.R. Hofmann, M. Bierkandt, C. Deiter, and J. Wollschläger
14:30 |
O 24.4 |
Facettierung der polierten (100)-Oberfläche von CaF2 — •Michael Schick, Volker Deuster, Thomas Kayser, Heinz Dabringhaus, Helmut Klapper und Klaus Wandelt
14:30 |
O 24.5 |
Nucleation and Growth of CaF2 on vicinal Si(111) — •Carsten Deiter, Markus Bierkandt, Joachim Wollschläger, and Mats I. Larsson
14:30 |
O 24.6 |
Wachstum dünner Metallfilme auf MgO mit Surfactant CO — •M. Lust, A. Priebe, G. Fahsold und A. Pucci
14:30 |
O 24.7 |
Morphologie und magnetische Eigneschaften ferromagnetischer Filme auf Cu(110) — •Matthias Wahl, T. Herrmann, N. Esser und W. Richter
14:30 |
O 24.8 |
Growth, Morphology and Stoichiometry of TiOx Films on a Re(10-10) Surface — •Dirk Rosenthal, Sven L.M. Schroeder, and Klaus Christmann
14:30 |
O 24.9 |
Rastertunnelmikroskopie und -spektroskopie an Co-Monolagen auf W(110) — •Marco Pratzer und Hans-Joachim Elmers
14:30 |
O 24.10 |
Simulation of wetting-layer and island formation in heteroepitaxial growthh — •Florian Much and Michael Biehl
14:30 |
O 24.11 |
Bildung einer Ni3Ga Oberflächenlegierung - eine STM, LEED und AES Untersuchung — •Yanka Jeliazova und René Franchy
14:30 |
O 24.12 |
Surfactant Enhanced Annealing of Si Films on CaF2/Si(111) — •E. Rugeramigabo, C. Deiter, J. Wollschläger, A. Kroeck, B.H. Müller, C.R. Wang und K.R. Hofmann
14:30 |
O 24.13 |
Wachstum von dünnen Al2O3-Filmen unterschiedlicher Struktur auf Ni(111) — •Dirk Bansemir, Jan Haubrich, Conrad Becker und Klaus Wandelt
14:30 |
O 24.14 |
Simulation of epitaxial growth on II-VI semiconductor surfaces — •Thorsten Volkmann, Martin Ahr, and Michael Biehl
14:30 |
O 24.15 |
Structural and chemical properties of epitaxial aluminium oxide thin films grown on 1ML Fe/W(110) and W(110) measured by LEED and XPS — •Jacek Prokop, Andrei Kukunin, Marco Pratzer, and Hans-Joachim Elmers
14:30 |
O 24.16 |
Rastertunnelmikroskopie an dünnen epitaktischen Cu-Filmen auf GaAs (110) — •Jan Müller, Martin Wenderoth, Norbert Quaas, Thilo C. G. Reusch und Rainer G. Ulbrich
14:30 |
O 24.17 |
Modification of the growth properties of Cu on Ni(111) by a preadsorbed water layer investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy — •Reinhard Lindner, Georg Held, Florian Maier, and Hans-Peter Steinrück
14:30 |
O 24.18 |
Electronic structure of Ni-Zn layers on Cu(111) — •Andreas Bayer, Christian Ammon, and Hans-Peter Steinrück
14:30 |
O 24.19 |
Surface Electronic Properties and Phase Transition in Fe3O4 — •D. Schrupp, J. Schäfer, M. Sing, and R. Claessen
14:30 |
O 24.20 |
X-ray Standing Waves and Photoemission Studies of GdBa2Cu3O7 − δ HTS Thin Films — •Sebastian Thiess, T.L. Lee, L.X. Cao, S. Warren, B.C.C. Cowie, and Jörg Zegenhagen
14:30 |
O 24.21 |
Relaxation and Debye temperature of the (111) surface of CaF2 revealed by low energy electron diffraction (LEED) — •Jörn Henning, Jochen Vogt, and Helmut Weiss
14:30 |
O 24.22 |
Initial stages of growth of epitaxial ZrO2 films on Pt(111) — •K. Meinel, K.-M. Schindler, and H. Neddermeyer
14:30 |
O 24.23 |
Elektronen-Energieverlust-Spektroskopie an dünnen Fe-Filmen auf NiO — •Volker Bocatius, Bärbel Fromme und Erhard Kisker
14:30 |
O 24.24 |
Investigations of SrO and BaO on the Si(001) surface — •J. Zachariae, B. Pahl, A. Kroeck, H. Pfnür, and K. Hofmann
14:30 |
O 24.25 |
Electronic Excitations of CO Adsorbed on MgO(001) — •Neng-Ping Wang, Michael Rohlfing, Peter Krüger, and Johannes Pollmann
14:30 |
O 24.26 |
Electronic Structure and Electron-Phonon Interaction on Bi(100) — •Philip Hofmann, Julio Esteban Gayone, Søren Vrønning Hoffmann, and Zheshen Li
14:30 |
O 24.27 |
Evidence of strongly localised states at the Fermi Level at the Si(111)(7×7) surface — •Richard Schillinger, C. Bromberger, O. Kühlert, H. J. Jänsch, C. Weindel, and D. Fick
14:30 |
O 24.28 |
Electronic Structure and Topography of heated SrTiO3 (110)-Surfaces studied with MIES, STM and AFM — •Anissa Gunhold, Lars Beuermann, Karsten Goemann, Guenter Borchardt, Volker Kempter, and Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs
14:30 |
O 24.29 |
An ARPES Study of a 3D-to-2D Transition by Rb Adsorption of 1T-TiSe2 — •Salah Habouti, Olaf Seifarth, Lutz Kipp, and Michael Skibowski
14:30 |
O 24.30 |
Epitaxial iron silicides on Si(111): surface electronic structure studied by photoelectron spectroscopy — •D. Borgmann, M. Probst, F. Maier, R. Denecke, M. Kinne, H.-P. Steinrück, M. Straß, M. Bockstedte, and O. Pankratov
14:30 |
O 24.31 |
Dynamics of electronic collisions in random alloys — •Konstantin Kouzakov and Jamal Berakdar
14:30 |
O 24.32 |
NEXAFS-Spektren von C(001)-(2×1) und SiC(001)-c(2×2): Resultate von ab-initio Rechnungen — •Peter Krüger und Johannes Pollmann
14:30 |
O 24.33 |
Temperature dependence of STM-thermovoltage measurements — •Bastian Weyers, Winfried Langenkamp, and Rolf Möller
14:30 |
O 24.34 |
Friedeloszillationen in der lokalen Zustandsdichte beobachtet im niederdimensionalen Elektronengas — •K. Sauthoff, M. Wenderoth, S. Loth und R.G. Ulbrich
14:30 |
O 24.35 |
Ab-initio study of the geometric and electronic structure of relaxed FeSi(CsCl) surfaces — •Michael Straß, Michel Bockstedte, and Oleg Pankratov
14:30 |
O 24.36 |
Charge transfer and dynamic screening effects in PTCDA monolayers on Ag substrates — •Ying Zou, Achim Schöll, Thomas Schmidt, Rainer Fink, and Eberhard Umbach
14:30 |
O 24.37 |
Reactivity of clean and oxygen-covered copper surfaces — •Sung Sakong and Axel Groß
14:30 |
O 24.38 |
Trübung von Glasoberflächen nach Spülmaschinenbehandlung — •Klaus-Peter Martinek, Chun Wang, Wolfgang Häfner, Edda Rädlein und Georg Krausch
14:30 |
O 24.39 |
Untersuchung der Oberflächenveränderung an industriellen Gläsern mit AFM, — •Chun Wang, Wolfgang Häfner, Edda Rädlein, Stephan Tratzky, Manfred Schramm, Klaus-Peter Martinek und Georg Krausch
14:30 |
O 24.40 |
LEEM-Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Defekten und zur Aufrauung der Oberfläche bei der CO-Oxidation auf Pt(110) — •Wei Han, Gerhard Lilienkamp und Ronald Imbihl
14:30 |
O 24.41 |
The kinetics of the abstraction of adsorbed D-Atoms on Ag(100) surfaces with gaseous H atoms — •Dionyssios Kolovos-Vellianitis and Jürgen Küppers
14:30 |
O 24.42 |
Untersuchung Cu(100)-Elektroden mittels in-situ Hochgeschwindigkeits-STM (Video- STM) — •Tunay Tansel, O. M. Magnussen und W. Polewska
14:30 |
O 24.43 |
Synchrotron Radiation induced reaction of Cu and Cl2 in the VUV — •Verena Ney and Nikolaus Schwentner
14:30 |
O 24.44 |
Adsorption of thermal H on the basal plane and at step edges of graphite (0001) surfaces — •Thomas Zecho, Andreas Güttler, Clarissa Abetz, and Jürgen Küppers
14:30 |
O 24.45 |
Nonadiabatic processes during adsorption of H on Al(111) — •M. Lindenblatt and E. Pehlke
14:30 |
O 24.46 |
Six-dimensional quantum study of the dissociative adsorption of H2 on Pd(110) — •Arezoo Dianat and Axel Groß
14:30 |
O 24.47 |
Local reactivity of Pd overlayers and clusters deposited on Au — •Ata Roudgar and Axel Groß
14:30 |
O 24.48 |
Oberflächenverstärkte Infrarotabsorption von Molekülen in flüssiger Umgebung — •Andreas Priebe, Dominik Enders, Alexander Küller, Matthias Lust, Gerhard Fahsold, and Annemarie Pucci
14:30 |
O 24.49 |
The interaction of carbon monoxide with bimetallic gold/rhenium(0001)surfaces — •Astrid Weingart and Klaus Christmann
14:30 |
O 24.50 |
Low temperature STM investigation of Lander molecules on Cu — •Micol Alemani, Francesca Moresco, Leo Gross, and Karl-Heinz Rieder
14:30 |
O 24.51 |
Clean and hydrogen-terminated GaP(001) surface structures calculated from first principles — •Patrick Hahn, Wolf G. Schmidt, Friedhelm Bechstedt, Olivia Pulci, and Rodolfo Del Sole
14:30 |
O 24.52 |
Interaction of water with the BaF2(111) surface: indications for dissociative adsorption from helium atom scattering experiments — •Jochen Vogt and Helmut Weiss
14:30 |
O 24.53 |
Adsorption geometry of sulfur on Ir(110)-c(2×4)6S — •Jörg Kröger, Jens Kuntze, Andrea Atrei, Brunetto Cortigiani, Ugo Bardi, and Gianfranco Rovida
14:30 |
O 24.54 |
Photodesorption of small molecules adsorbed on ultrathin Ag-films — •Olaf Weiße, Claudia Wesenberg, and Eckart Hasselbrink
14:30 |
O 24.55 |
Electronic structure and surface stress of partially H-covered Si(001) — •J. van Heys, P. Kury, M. Horn-von Hoegen, and E. Pehlke
14:30 |
O 24.56 |
A lattice gas model for H/Pd(111) from first-principles — •Cesar Lazo, Frerich J. Keil, Karsten Reuter, and Matthias Scheffler
14:30 |
O 24.57 |
Adsorptions- und Desorptionsverhalten von Methanol auf Palladium(111) und einer Pd2Sn/Pd(111)-Oberflächenlegierung — •Thomas Schmidt, Dirk Peters, Conrad Becker und Klaus Wandelt
14:30 |
O 24.58 |
Surface Phonons of H:C(001)-(2x1) and D:C(001)-(2x1) — •Albert Mazur and Johannes Pollmann
14:30 |
O 24.59 |
Adsorption of Fe(CO)5 on Si(111)7×7-surface — •Albena Petkova, Stefan Mühlbauer, and Hermann Froitzheim
14:30 |
O 24.60 |
Interaction of Na with Molecular Surfaces (H2O; CH3OH) between 80 and 130K — •O. Höfft, A. Borodin, U. Kahnert, S. Krischok, and V. Kempter
14:30 |
O 24.61 |
Interaction of CsCl with molecular surfaces (H2O; CH3OH; C2H5OH) — •A. Borodin, O. Höfft, U. Kahnert, and V. Kempter
14:30 |
O 24.62 |
Investigation of Hourglass-Shaped Dendrimers with STM — •Isabelle Widmer, Meike Stöhr, Leo Merz, Hans-Joachim Güntherodt, and Bianca A. Hermann
14:30 |
O 24.63 |
Epitaxial growth of Ag on W(110) — •E. Bertel, C. Deisl, M. Bürgener, G. Meister, and A. Goldmann
14:30 |
O 24.64 |
Simulation of non-ideal thermal desorption — •Bernhard Lehner, Michael Hohage, and Peter Zeppenfeld
14:30 |
O 24.65 |
Wetting-dewetting of hydrogen isotopes on different substrates — •Masoud Sohaili, Stefan Tibus, Jörg Angrik, Jürgen Klier, and Paul Leiderer
14:30 |
O 24.66 |
The generation of subsurface oxygen state on Rh(110) surface — •Bolormaa Sanduijav and Manfred Neumann
14:30 |
O 24.67 |
Electronic structure of Pb films on Cu(111) — •JeongWon Kim, Shubha Gokhale und Karsten Horn
14:30 |
O 24.68 |
Chemical patterns in a thiolate monolayer analyzed by SFG microscopy — •Dominik M.P. Hoffmann, Klaus Kuhnke, and Klaus Kern
14:30 |
O 24.69 |
Towards a molecular diode: Organisation of transition metal complexes on metal surfaces — •Andrey Shaporenko, Anna Prodi, Maria Anita Rampi, and Michael Zharnikov
14:30 |
O 24.70 |
Wachstum von Pyren und Perylen auf Cu(110) — •Kathrin Hänel, Stefanie Gil Girol, Alexander Birkner und Christof Wöll
14:30 |
O 24.71 |
Growth of ultrathin p-Quaterphenyl films on Gold surfaces — •Stefan Müllegger and Adolf Winkler
14:30 |
O 24.72 |
An AFM investigation of the growth of an octadecylsiloxane monolayer: The adsorption of reversed micelles — •Nils Hartmann, Rafael Bautista, Daniel Dahlhaus, Steffen Franzka, and Eckart Hasselbrink
14:30 |
O 24.73 |
Ultradünne PTCDA-Filme auf Ag(110): Reflexions-Anisotropie-Spektroskopie und Ramanspektroskopie — •T. Muck, J. Geurts, V. Wagner, E. Umbach, T. Herrmann, M. Wahl, N. Esser und W. Richter
14:30 |
O 24.74 |
Chain formation of para-sexiphenyl crystallites on mica(001) — •G. Hlawacek, C. Teichert, A. Andreev, H. Sitter, G. Matt, and N. S. Sariciftci
14:30 |
O 24.75 |
Adsorption of nickel on self-assembled monolayers of oligophenylthiols:Effect of electron-induced cross-linking — •Yian TAI, Andrey Shaporenko, Michael Zharnikov, and Michael Grunze
14:30 |
O 24.76 |
Imaging and patterning of self-assembled monolayers by the zone-plate-focused X-ray beam — •Michael Zharnikov, Ruth Klauser, Anne Paul, Armin Gölzhäuser, I.-H. Hong, and Michael Grunze
14:30 |
O 24.77 |
Self-organization of aligned and ordered molecular wires in Phthalocyanine thin films — •E. Barrena, J.O. Ossó, F Schreiber, M.I. Alonso, M. Garriga, and H. Dosch
14:30 |
O 24.78 |
An in situ investigation of the growth kinetics of an octadecylsiloxane monolayer on oxidized silicon: Indications for a two-step mechanism — •Daniel Dahlhaus, Nils Hartmann, and Eckart Hasselbrink
14:30 |
O 24.79 |
Pentacene/Ag(111): film growth via an accommodation layer — •M. Eremtchenko, D. Bauer, S. Döring, T. Stolz, J.A. Schaefer, and F.S. Tautz
14:30 |
O 24.80 |
Growth dynamics of ultra thin organic films monitored by the SMART spectromicroscope — •U. Groh, Th. Schmidt, H. Marchetto, R. Fink, and E. Umbach
14:30 |
O 24.81 |
Investigation of organic thin films: PTCDA on Cu(111) — •Thorsten Wagner, Amin Bannani, Christian Bobisch, and Rolf Möller
14:30 |
O 24.82 |
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy at organic films: PTCDA and CuPC on Cu(111) — •Thorsten Wagner, Amin Bannani, Christian Bobisch, and Rolf Möller
14:30 |
O 24.83 |
Oberflächenterminierung von reinem und (Y-dotiertem) tetragonalem Zirkonoxid und der Einfluss eines Metallträgers — •Andreas Eichler und Jürgen Hafner