Dresden 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
O 27: Organische Dünnschichten I
Donnerstag, 27. März 2003, 11:15–13:15, HSZ/02
11:15 |
O 27.1 |
Differential Reflection Spectroscopy of ordered organic thin films: I. PTCDA on Mica — •Holger Proehl, Robert Nitsche, Thomas Dienel, and Torsten Fritz
11:30 |
O 27.2 |
Determination of Adsorption Geometry of Single SnPc Molecules by STM — •Markus Lackinger and Michael Hietschold
11:45 |
O 27.3 |
Electrical Characteristics and Structure of Perfluorinated Phthalocyanines deposited on Isolating Polymers — •Wilfried Michaelis, Christian Kelting, Andreas Hirth, Dieter Wöhrle, and Derck Schlettwein
12:00 |
O 27.4 |
Vibrational and structural properties of the perylene/Ag(111) interface: A quasi-liquid molecular layer — •M. Eremtchenko, S. Döring, J.A. Schaefer, and F.S. Tautz
12:15 |
O 27.5 |
Organic functionalization of semiconductor surfaces – A comprehensive first-principle study of Si(001):pyrrole and Si(001):uracil — •Kaori Seino, Wolf G. Schmidt, and Friedhelm Bechstedt
12:30 |
O 27.6 |
An STM study of organic molecules in mixed phases: PTCDA and CuPC on Cu(111) — •Christian Bobisch, Amin Bannani, Thorsten Wagner, and Rolf Möller
12:45 |
O 27.7 |
Differential Reflection Spectroscopy of ordered organic thin films: II. PTCDA on Au(111) — •Robert Nitsche, Holger Proehl, Thomas Dienel, and Torsten Fritz
13:00 |
O 27.8 |
Vibronic and electronic excitations for an order-disorder phase transition in organic monolayers — •Dominique Hübner, A. Schöll, L. Kilian, R. Fink, and E. Umbach