Dresden 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
O 28: Adsorption an Oberfl
ächen III
Donnerstag, 27. März 2003, 11:15–13:30, FOE/ANOR
11:15 |
O 28.1 |
High Temperature Diffusion of 6Li on Ru(001) — •H. Löser, D. Fick, and H. J. Jänsch
11:30 |
O 28.2 |
Coadsorption of CO and D2O on Pt(111) studied by in-situ high resolution photoemission — •Martin Kinne, Thomas Fuhrmann, Barbara Tränkenschuh, Junfa Zhu, Reinhard Denecke, and Hans-Peter Steinrück
11:45 |
O 28.3 |
Structure and stability of polar O-terminated ZnO (0001) surfaces: Using CO as a probe molecule — •Bernd Meyer and Dominik Marx
12:00 |
O 28.4 |
Dipol-Dipol-Kopplung zwischen unterschiedlichen CO-Adsorbatstrukturen auf Pt(111) im schwefelsauren Elektrolyten — •Winfried Daum, Stefan Bergfeld und Michael Kuß
12:15 |
O 28.5 |
Determination of the cohesive energy of graphite from thermal desorption spectroscopy of polyaromatic hydrocarbons adsorbed on HOPG — •Renju Zacharia, Hendrik Ulbricht, and Tobias Hertel
12:30 |
O 28.6 |
Distribution and mobility of Sn adlayer on Pt(111) electrode: co-adsorption with Cu UPD and CO — •Xiaoyin Xiao, Steffen Tillmann, and Helmut Baltruschat
12:45 |
O 28.7 |
Local Structures at Liquid Surfaces — •G. Andersson and H. Morgner
13:00 |
O 28.8 |
Oxygen-driven transport of Ag on Ag/W(110) — •C. Deisl, K. Swamy, E. Bertel, M. Bürgener, W. Holzapfel, G. Meister, and A. Goldmann
13:15 |
O 28.9 |
STM investigation of hydrogen diffusion on vicinal Si(001) surfaces — •M. Lawrenz, C. Schwalb, M. Dürr, and U. Höfer