15:00 |
O 31.1 |
The surface engineering of GaAs with functionalized aromatic monolayers — •Andrey Shaporenko, Klaus Adlkofer, Lars S. O. Johansson, Motomu Tanaka, Michael Zharnikov, and Michael Grunze
15:15 |
O 31.2 |
The limits of the dipole approximation in NIXSW: NTCDA on Ag(111) — •J. Stanzel, L. Kilian, W. Weigand, H. Meyerheim, M. Sokolowski, C. Kumpf, and E. Umbach
15:30 |
O 31.3 |
2D Molecular Phase Transition in the Nanometer Scale Controlled by the Scanning Tunneling Microscope Tip — •Simon Berner, Michael de Wild, Luca Ramoino, Silvia Schintke, Alexis Baratoff, Hans-Joachim Güntherodt, and Thomas A. Jung
15:45 |
O 31.4 |
Berechnung von Wechselwirkungsenergien organisch-anorganischer Heteroepitaxieschichten — •Stefan Mannsfeld, Stefan Mannsfeld, Torsten Fritz und Torsten Fritz
16:00 |
O 31.5 |
Two-dimensional aggregation of species with weak and strong bonding interactions: Modelling the growth of a self-assembled alkylsiloxane monolayer — •Rafael Bautista, Nils Hartmann, and Eckart Hasselbrink
16:15 |
O 31.6 |
Three dimensional growth of organic nanocrystals: A STM study — •Amin Bannani, Thorsten Wagner, Christian Bobisch, and Rolf Möller
16:30 |
O 31.7 |
Structural and optical investigations of ultrathin tetracene films on Ag(111) — •Andreas Langner, Sonja Fahrenholz, Annegret Hauschild, and Moritz Sokolowski
16:45 |
O 31.8 |
Correlation of electronic and local structure of 4–hydroxy–thiophenol on NaCl(100) and Ag(100) — •C. Tegenkamp, B. Pahl, and H. Pfnür
17:00 |
O 31.9 |
Raster-Tunnel-Mikroskopie an selbstassemblierten Phenylen-Ethynylen-Oligomeren auf Au(111)-Oberflächen — •K. Walzer, E. Marx, K. Stokbro, P. J. Wilson und P. Raithby
17:15 |
O 31.10 |
Streuung von C60+ an selbstaggregierenden Monoschichten auf Au(111) — •Stefan-Sven Jester, Patrick Weis, Artur Böttcher und Manfred M. Kappes
17:30 |
O 31.11 |
Growth of DIP Thin Films on Stepped Sapphire Surfaces — •J. O. Ossó, E. Barrena, F. Schreiber, M. Garriga, M. I. Alonso, and H. Dosch
17:45 |
O 31.12 |
Oberflächenphotospannung an dünnen organischen Schichten auf einkristallinen Metall- und Halbleiteroberflächen — •Sebastian Teich, Stefan Grafström, Christian Loppacher, Ulrich Zerweck und Lukas Eng
18:00 |
O 31.13 |
Influence of growth parameters on the molecular orientation in perylene thin films on Al2O3/Ni3Al(111) — •M. B. Casu, A. Schöll, D. Hübner, Y. Zou, K. R. Bauchspiess, C. Heske, and E. Umbach
18:15 |
O 31.14 |
A laser direct writing technique for patterning of organic monolayers — •Thorsten Balgar, Nils Hartmann, and Eckart Hasselbrink
18:30 |
O 31.15 |
Time-Resolved Two-Photon-Photo-Emission on Alkanethiol Monolayers on Gold Films — •Sandra Dantscher, Markus Kerpes, Sven Schramm, and Walter Pfeiffer