15:00 |
O 32.1 |
Interplay of surface morphology and strain relief during epitaxial growth of Ge on Si(001) — •M. Horn-von Hoegen, T. Grabosch, P. Kury, M. Horn-von Hoegen, T. Grabosch, and P. Kury
15:15 |
O 32.2 |
Epitaxial growth of metals studied by monitoring the optical anisotropy — •L. D. Sun, M. Hohage, S. H. Kim, P. Zeppenfeld, and RE. Balderas-Navarro
15:30 |
O 32.3 |
Ordnungsverhalten der zweidimensionalen Legierungen Pd-Ru, Cu-Pd und Pt-Ru auf Ru(0001) — •H. Hoster, T. Hager, C. Maier, H. Rauscher und R.J. Behm
15:45 |
O 32.4 |
Morphology of the Si/ZnO Interface — •Christian Pettenkofer and Ulrich Meier
16:00 |
O 32.5 |
Structure and thermal stability of TiOx films on Ru(0001) and Au/TiOx/Ru(0001) model catalysts — •Zhong Zhao, A. Männig, D. Rosenthal, J. Osswald, S.L.M. Schroeder, K. Christmann, H. Rauscher, and R.J. Behm
16:15 |
O 32.6 |
Wachstum von Kohlenstoffschichten auf HOPG — •Artur Böttcher, Ralf Wellmann und Manfred Kappes
16:30 |
O 32.7 |
C60 growth on InP(100) — •J. A. Schaefer, G. Cherkashinin, S. Döring, M. Eremtchenko, G. Hartung, D. Malsch, A. Opitz, and T. Stolz
16:45 |
O 32.8 |
Growth and interface atomic structure of B2-FeSi/Si(111) studied by LEED and STM — •M. Krause, F. Blobner, S. Walter, U. Starke, and K. Heinz
17:00 |
O 32.9 |
Interlayer mass transport in homoepitaxy on the atomic scale — •V.S. Stepanyuk, O.V. Lysenko, W. Hergert, and J. Kirschner
17:15 |
O 32.10 |
Surfactant mediated growth of Ge-films on (111) Si - Microstructural analysis of defects and strain — •Roland Kröger, Thomas Schmidt, Peter L. Ryder, Jens Falta, Andreas Janzen, and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
17:30 |
O 32.11 |
Mn-induced stress during surface alloy formation on Cu(001) — •Wei Pan, D. Sander, and J. Kirschner
17:45 |
O 32.12 |
Growth of Cobalt monolayers on Si(111) studied by STM — •Matthias Löffler, Martin Weinelt, Enrique Ortega, and Thomas Fauster
18:00 |
O 32.13 |
Effect of mesoscopic relaxation on diffusion of Co adatoms on Cu(111) — •D.V. Tsivlin, V.S. Stepanyuk, W. Hergert, and J. Kirschner