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PV: Plenarvorträge
PV X: Plenary Talk
Friday, March 28, 2003, 08:30–09:15, HSZ/01
Using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope as a Hand in the Nanoworld — •Andreas Heinrich — IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, USA
The Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) allows the imaging of surfaces with atomic resolution. Natural structures such as superlattices and point defects can be clearly identified with this powerful technique. For the last decade the STM has also been used to position atoms and molecules on surfaces with atomic precision. This allows the assembly of complex atomic arrangements much needed in the emerging field of nanotechnology. This talk will focus on the use of the STM to assemble active elements that enable the transfer and processing of information on the atomic scale. Molecule cascades are capable of coding the different logic states of a system by positoning atoms at different atomic sites on a surface. By carefully designing the interactions of two or more cascades, we demonstrate logic AND and logic OR operations, culminating in an integrated nanoscale device.