Dresden 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
TT 16: Mechanismus der HTSL
Donnerstag, 27. März 2003, 09:30–12:25, HSZ304
09:30 |
TT 16.1 |
Collective Spin Excitations and their Role in High Temperature Superconductivity — •Bernhard Keimer, Clemens Ulrich, Vladimir Hinkov, Bing Liang, Chengtian Lin, Philippe Bourges, Stephane Pailhes, Louis-Pierre Regnault, and Yvan Sidis
10:00 |
TT 16.2 |
From antiferromagnetism to d-wave superconductivity: The role of bosonic spin and charge excitations — •Werner Hanke
10:25 |
TT 16.3 |
Recent results on the electronic structure of high-Tc superconductors in the normal and superconducting state from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy — •J. Fink, S. Borisenko, A. Kordyuk, T. Kim, A. Koitzsch, M. Knupfer und H. Berger
10:50 |
TT 16.4 |
Search for signature of charge inhomogeneities in the phonons of YBCO — •Lothar Pintschovius
11:15 |
TT 16.5 |
Generalized Eliashberg theory for hole- and electron-doped cuprates:elementary excitations and resonance peak — •Dirk Manske
11:40 |
TT 16.6 |
One- and three-layer Bismuth cuprates: A study by high resolution angular-resolved photoemission. — •L. Dudy, C. Janowitz, H. Dwelk, A. Krapf, B. Müller, R.-St. Unger, R. Müller, R. Manzke, and H. Höchst
11:55 |
TT 16.7 |
Temperature dependence of the collective mode and its influence on the band splitting in bilayer cuprates — •Serguei Varlamov and Goetz Seibold
12:10 |
TT 16.8 |
Condensation Energy and Quasiparticle Dispersion in Superconductors with Phase Fluctuations — •Thomas Eckl, Enrico Arrigoni, Werner Hanke, and Douglas J. Scalapino