Hannover 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 13: Quantencomputer
Montag, 24. März 2003, 16:30–18:30, F102
16:30 |
Q 13.1 |
Quantum computation with cold atoms in an optical lattice — •Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll and Juan Ignacio Cirac
16:45 |
Q 13.2 |
Quantum information processing with spatially delocalized qubits — •Kai Eckert, Jordi Mompart, Wolfgang Ertmer, Gerhard Birkl, and Maciej Lewenstein
17:00 |
Q 13.3 |
Quantum Information Processing with Atoms in Microfabricated Optical Elements — •Michael Volk, Falk Scharnberg, Rainer Dumke, Tobias Müther, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Gerhard Birkl
17:15 |
Q 13.4 |
Towards fault-tolerant quantum computation with the one-way quantum computer — •Robert Raussendorf, Benedict Neuburger, and Hans Juergen Briegel
17:30 |
Q 13.5 |
Implementation of the Deutsch-Josza algorithm on an ion-trap quantum — •Gavin Lancaster, Stephan Gulde, Mark Riebe, Christoph Becher, Jürgen Eschner, Hartmut Häffner, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Isaac Chuang, and Rainer Blatt
17:45 |
Q 13.6 |
Experimentelle Erzeugung und Charakterisierung von Quantenkanälen — •T. Hannemann, W. Neuhauser und Ch. Wunderlich
18:00 |
Q 13.7 |
Kohärente optische Anregung des S1/2-D5/2 Übergangs in Ba+ — •A. Keil, K. Abich, A. Braun, W. Neuhauser, P.E. Toschek und Ch. Wunderlich
18:15 |
Q 13.8 |
Quantized Stark-Shifts and Implementation of a Novel Type of Quantum Gate — •Mark Riebe, Stephan Gulde, Gavin Lancaster, Christoph Becher, Jürgen Eschner, Hartmut Häffner, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, and Rainer Blatt