Hannover 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 18: Quanteninformation 3
Dienstag, 25. März 2003, 14:00–16:00, F102
14:00 |
Q 18.1 |
Estimating the post-measurement state — •Thomas Konrad, Jürgen Audretsch, and Lajos Diósi
14:15 |
Q 18.2 |
A group theoretical approach to quantum state estimation — •Michael Keyl
14:30 |
Q 18.3 |
Infinitely entangled states — •Dirk Schlingemann, Michael Keyl, and Reinhard F. Werner
14:45 |
Q 18.4 |
Entanglement Gauge and Non-Abelian Geometric Phase for Photonic Qubits — •Karl-Peter Marzlin, Stephen Bartlett, and Barry C. Sanders
15:00 |
Q 18.5 |
Entanglement concentration of Gaussian quantum states — •Stefan Scheel, Jens Eisert, Daniel E. Browne, and Martin B. Plenio
15:15 |
Q 18.6 |
Entanglement transformations of pure Gaussian states — •Jens Eisert, Géza Giedke, Ignacio Cirac, and Plenio Martin
15:30 |
Q 18.7 |
Zur Charakterisierung von reinen Gaußschen Dreiparteienzuständen — •Otfried Gühne, Geza Giedke und Maciej Lewenstein
15:45 |
Q 18.8 |
Quantifying the Entanglement of Gaussian States — •Geza Giedke, Michael Wolf, Reinhard F. Werner, and J. Ignacio Cirac