16:30 |
Q 28.1 |
Erzeugung und Nachweis kohärenter Superpositionen in metastabilem Neon — •Frank Vewinger, Ruth Garcia-Fernandez, Manfred Heinz und Klaas Bergmann
16:30 |
Q 28.2 |
Quantum Estimation with Finite Non–classical Resources — •Thorsten Bschorr and Matthias Freyberger
16:30 |
Q 28.3 |
Interferenz zweier heller Verschränkungsquellen: Verschränkungsaustausch und Vielparteienverschränkung — •Oliver Glöckl, Stefan Lorenz, Christoph Marquardt, Joel Heersink, Peter van Loock, Natalia Korolkova und Gerd Leuchs
16:30 |
Q 28.4 |
Adaptive quantum networks — •Stefan Probst and Matthias Freyberger
16:30 |
Q 28.5 |
Zur Zerlegung Hermitescher Operatoren in lokale Messungen — •Otfried Gühne, Philipp Hyllus, Dagmar Bruß, Artur Ekert, Maciej Lewenstein, Chiara Macchiavello und Anna Sanpera
16:30 |
Q 28.6 |
Coherent exchange of quantum information between light and atomic ensembles — •Jonas Ries, Björn Brezger, and Alexander I. Lvovsky
16:30 |
Q 28.7 |
Dynamics of Nonlinear Maps for Quantum Information Processing — •Gernot Alber, Igor Jex, and Tamas Kiss
16:30 |
Q 28.8 |
Entangled quantum solitons for quantum information processing — •Lothar Schlafer, Matthias Freyberger, and Victor V. Kozlov
16:30 |
Q 28.9 |
Quantum and Classical Teleportation of Continuous Variables — •Bernd Mohring and Matthias Freyberger
16:30 |
Q 28.10 |
Towards Quantum Information Processing on Atom Chips — •P. Krüger, S. Wildermuth, M. Brajdic, S. Groth, I. Bar-Joseph, R. Folman, M. Andersson, and J. Schmiedmayer
16:30 |
Q 28.11 |
Towards single atom detection on a Chip — •Christian Hock, Albrecht Haase, Sönke Groth, Ron Folman, Peter Horak, Bruce Klappauf, and Jörg Schmiedmayer
16:30 |
Q 28.12 |
Unterdrückung von Dekohärenzprozesse in kollektiven atomaren Quantenspeichern — •Claudia Mewes und Michael Fleischhauer
16:30 |
Q 28.13 |
Geometric quantum-gate operations without dynamical phases using stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) — •R. G. Unanyan, M. Fleischhauer, and K. Bergmann
16:30 |
Q 28.14 |
Kombination eines optischen Mikrosphären-Resonators mit einer magnetischen Chipfalle — •Romain Long, Valérie Levèvre-Seguin, Serge Haroche, Theodor W. Hänsch und Jakob Reichel
16:30 |
Q 28.15 |
Gaussian Operations and the Distillation of Gaussian States — •Geza Giedke und J.Ignacio Cirac
16:30 |
Q 28.16 |
Generalized concurrence: Application to separability and distillability — •Florian Hulpke, Maciej Lewenstein, J. Ignacio Cirac, and Barbara Kraus
16:30 |
Q 28.17 |
Fractional volume in the space of operations — •Jarek Korbicz, Dagmar Bruß, and Maciej Lewenstein