16:30 |
Q 30.1 |
Laser-Induced Control of the Photofragmentation in Ammonia Molecules — •Alvaro Peralta Conde, Thorsten Peters, Klaas Bergmann, and Thomas Halfmann
16:30 |
Q 30.2 |
Strong-Field Manipulation of Collective Two-Atom Interaction — •Mihai Macovei and Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 |
Q 30.3 |
Niedrige Gruppengeschwindigkeit von Licht ohne zusätzliches treibendes Laserfeld — •Martin Haas und Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 |
Q 30.4 |
Full quantum-mechanical description of a neutral particle in a trap — •Harry Schmidt and Günter Mahler
16:30 |
Q 30.5 |
Quanten–Stabilität des gekickten Rotators mit eckigen Potentialen — •Wolfgang P. Schleich, Attila Czirják, Florian Haug, Marc Bienert, Thomas Seligman und Wolfgang P. Schleich
16:30 |
Q 30.6 |
Decoherence of molecular rotation for the optical Kerr effect — •Anicka Adelswaerd and Sascha Wallentowitz
16:30 |
Q 30.7 |
Analytical and numerical calculation of three-dimensional Casimir force between dispersing and absorbing multilayer dielectrics — •Christian Raabe, Ludwig Knöll, and Dirk-Gunnar Welsch
16:30 |
Q 30.8 |
Input-Output relations for nonclassical light propagating through three-dimensional dispersing and absorbing multilayer dielectric plate — •Mikayel Khanbekyan, Ludwig Knöll, and Dirk-Gunnar Welsch
16:30 |
Q 30.9 |
Einzelphotonquelle mit Si-V Farbzentrum im Diamant — •Chunlang Wang, Johannes Schachaneder, Patrick Zarda, Christian Kurtsiefer und Harald Weinfurter
16:30 |
Q 30.10 |
Periodic Control of Small Quantum Networks — •Marcus Stollsteimer and Günter Mahler
16:30 |
Q 30.11 |
Wave packet dynamics and factorization of numbers — •Holger Mack, Marc Bienert, Florian Haug, Matthias Freyberger, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
16:30 |
Q 30.12 |
A new QND detection scheme for single photons — •Mikhail P. Klembovsky, Mikhail L. Gorodetsky, Thomas Becker, and Herbert Walther
16:30 |
Q 30.13 |
Nanoskopie optischer Felder mit einzelnen Atomen — •Jürgen Eschner
16:30 |
Q 30.14 |
Towards the storage of single photons using electromagnetically induced transparency — •P. Krok, A. Kuhn, and G. Rempe
16:30 |
Q 30.15 |
Polarisation Squeezing with a Fibre-Sagnac Interferometer — •Joel Heersink, Tobias Gaber, Stefan Lorenz, Oliver Glöckl, Natalia Korolkova, and Gerd Leuchs