16:30 |
Q 49.1 |
Herstellung dreidimensionaler Strukturen in SU-8 mittels Multiphotonen-Polymerisation für die Nanophotonik — •M. Deubel und M. Wegener
16:30 |
Q 49.2 |
Excitonic semiconductor absorption in photonic crystals — •M. Reichelt, R. Eichmann, B. Pasenow, T. Meier, T. Stroucken, P. Thomas, and S.W. Koch
16:30 |
Q 49.3 |
Reflection and Transmission from finite Photonic Crystal structures — •Marcus Diem, Antonio Garcia-Martin, Suresh Pereira, and Kurt Busch
16:30 |
Q 49.4 |
General Theory of Nonresonant Wave Interaction: Giant Soliton Shift in Photonic Band Gap Materials — •Lasha Tkeshelashvili, Suresh Pereira, and Kurt Busch
16:30 |
Q 49.5 |
Defect structures in Photonic Crystals: a Solid State theoretical approach — •Matthias Schillinger, Antonio Garcia-Martin, Sergei F. Mingaleev, Daniel Hermann, Kurt Busch, and Peter Wölfle
16:30 |
Q 49.6 |
Wave propagation in Photonic Crystal waveguiding structures — •Daniel Hermann, Antonio Garcia-Martin, Juan Jose Saenz, Raquel Gomez-Medina, Kurt Busch, and Peter Wölfle
16:30 |
Q 49.7 |
Herstellung von Templaten für dreidimensionale Photonische Kristalle mittels holographischer Lithographie — •Daniel C. Meisel, Yuri V. Miklyaev, Wolfpeter Koch, Georg von Freymann, Kurt Busch und Martin Wegener
16:30 |
Q 49.8 |
2D alumina-based photonic crystals — •Yun Luo, Jinsub Choi, Reinald Hillebrand, Ralf B. Wehrspohn, and Ulrich Gösele
16:30 |
Q 49.9 |
Engineering Nanoarchitectures for Photonic Crystals — •Frank Marlow and Wenting T. Dong
16:30 |
Q 49.10 |
Abstimmbare photonische Kristalle auf III/V-Halbleiter — •Christoph Schuller, Silke Kuhn, Johann-Peter Reithmaier, Martin Kamp und Alfred Forchel
16:30 |
Q 49.11 |
Light Emitting Quantum Dots in Photonic Crystals — •Stefan Richter, Stefan Schweizer, Andrey Rogach, Ralf Wehrspohn, Martin Steinhart, Margit Zacharias, and Ulrich Goesele
16:30 |
Q 49.12 |
Fabrication of 2D Photonic Crystals Based on MEMS Opal Hybrid Techniques — •Kai Ludolph, Georgi Georgiev, and Egbert Oesterschulze
16:30 |
Q 49.13 |
Photonische Kristallfasern in unterschiedlichen Glasmaterialsystemen — •Kirsten Gerth, Hartmut Bartelt, Johannes Kirchhof, Jens Kobelke und Kay Schuster
16:30 |
Q 49.14 |
Strahlung aus endlichen photonischen Kristallen — •Geesche Boedecker und Carsten Henkel
16:30 |
Q 49.15 |
Modulation of Photonic Crystals by Surface Acoustic Waves — •Mauricio de Lima, Francesc Alsina, Werner Seidel, and Paulo Santos
16:30 |
Q 49.16 |
Herstellung von photonischen Kristallen durch Zwei-Photonen-Polymerisation — •Jesper Serbin, Ruth Houbertz und Boris Chichkov
16:30 |
Q 49.17 |
Spectral characterisation of wavelength references based on Fibre Bragg gratings — •Gesine Grosche, Michael Eggert, and Johann Meissner
16:30 |
Q 49.18 |
Nahfeldmikroskopische Untersuchungen lichtinduzierter DFB Strukturen — •Dirk Scheel, Andreas Pohlkötter, Andy Steinmann, Claus Romano und Wolfgang Schade
16:30 |
Q 49.19 |
Organic photonic crystal lasers with different resonator geometries — •K. Forberich, J. Crewett, S. Riechel, J. Feldmann, U. Lemmer, K. Busch, A. Gombert, and U. Scherf
16:30 |
Q 49.20 |
Trimming of optical properties of two dimensional photonic crystal structures by photobleaching — •Markus Schmidt, Gunnar Boettger, Christian Liguda, and Manfred Eich
16:30 |
Q 49.21 |
Moderate refractive index photonic crystal slab resonators — •Gunnar Böttger, Markus Schmidt, Christian Liguda, and Manfred Eich
16:30 |
Q 49.22 |
Formation of high-quality synthetic opals- towards 3D-photonic band-gap materials — •Hans Joachim Schöpe
16:30 |
Q 49.23 |
The influence of disorder on the optical properties of metallic photonic crystals — •Dietmar Nau, Harald Giessen, André Christ, Jürgen Kuhl, Christel Zanke, Michael Frommberger, and Eckhard Quandt
16:30 |
Q 49.24 |
Fabrication of 2D photonic crystals by interference lithography — •Karolin Mellert and Harald Giessen
16:30 |
Q 49.25 |
Kompakte Gas-Sensoren — Eine Anwendung Photonischer Kristalle — •Stefan Schweizer, Regine Glatthaar, A. Feißt, Armin Lambrecht, Jörg Schilling, Sven Matthias, Torsten Geppert, Ralf Wehrspohn und Ulrich Gösele
16:30 |
Q 49.26 |
GaAs basierende photonische Kristalle für den 1.3 µ m Wellenlängenbereich — •Martin Kamp und Alfred Forchel