Hannover 2003 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 51: Quantengase 5
Freitag, 28. März 2003, 14:00–15:30, F303
14:00 |
Q 51.1 |
Generation and Manipulation of Bright Solitons in BEC — •Henning Fehrmann, Anna Sanpera, and Maciek Lewenstein
14:15 |
Q 51.2 |
Gaussons in nonlinear wave mechanics and solitons in Bose-Einstein condensate with attractive interaction — •Matt Kalinski
14:30 |
Q 51.3 |
Stability of Gap Solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates — •Karl-Peter Marzlin, Karen Marie Hilligsoe, and Markus Oberthaler
14:45 |
Q 51.4 |
Dispersionsmanagement und nichtlineare Dynamik von Wellenpaketen in periodischen Potentialen — •Thomas Anker, Bernd Eiermann, Michael Albiez, Matthias Taglieber, Philipp Treutlein und Markus K. Oberthaler
15:00 |
Q 51.5 |
Interference scheme to measure light-induced nonlinearities in Bose-Einstein condensates — •Konstantin Krutitsky, Peter Marzlin, and Jürgen Audretsch
15:15 |
Q 51.6 |
Superradianz in Bose-Einstein-Kondensaten im Regime kurzer Laserpulse — •D. Schneble, M. Boyd, G. Campbell, E. Streed, J. Steinhauer, J. Mun, Y. Torii, D.E. Pritchard und W. Ketterle